but bring only confusion and spiritual leanness to the soul. Watch out fo r fa lse teach ers: their bait is so subtle. Scripture exhorts us this way. “Hence fo rth be no more children, tossed to and fro , and carried about with every wind o f doctrine, by the sleight o f men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive.” “T ake unto you the whole armour o f God that you may be able to w ithstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.1’ Dog may be known as "man's best friend" because he wags his tail and not his tongue. * * * . NO INSURANCE Stamp collectors will be interested in a recent news article giving unfortun ate word concerning the past president o f the American Philatelic Society, Mr. Charles Cratsenberg, Moline, Illinois. His home was recently ransacked, and an extremely valuable collection o f stamps, worth more than $60,000, was stolen. This must have represented thousands o f hours o f time,, to say nothing o f the monetary investment involved. What was the most tragic thing about the a ffa ir was the fa c t that Mr. Cratsenberg had no insur ance whatsoever on his stamps. They were a total loss fo r him. H e ex plained to reporters, “Two months ago I realized I should have insurance on my philatelic holdings. I secured an application blank fo r the policy. Un fortunately I put off taking any action until now it’s too late.” This was a very sad and unrecoverable loss. In a sem iliar vein, think o f the many people who have in their homes a copy o f the sacred Scriptures who still have never given their lives to Jesu s Christ and settled the destiny o f their never- dying souls. The Word o f God rightly asks the question, “How shall we escape i f we neglect so g rea t a salva tion?” No longer turn the Saviour aside, “Behold, now is the accepted tim e; behold, now is the day o f sal vation.” * * * Once you are on salvation's train, make certain you're not travelling on the sleeper. 28 * * *
is made, the cavity will fill up and cover over in no more than seventy-two hours. F o r more than sixty-five y ears this has been the case and still the crater has not been emptied. Scientists have gone down as fa r as 280 fe e t but even at this depth, they find the black gum-like substance bubbling up. While no one can explain it, there seems to be an unlimited and inexhaus tible supply. This is ju st a small re m inder o f the grace and mercy o f the Lord. No m atter how g reat our need there is more than adequate supply, fo r His grace is sufficient, infinite love expressing itself in infinite goodness. Annie Johnson F lin t penned, His love has no lim it; H is grace knows no measure, His power has no boundary known unto m en ; F o r out o f H is infinite riches in Jesu s He giveth, and giveth, and giveth ag ain ! * We can walk the desert road when we have the living water in our hearts. * * * HEEDING FALSE CALLS Our good friend, Dr. R. G. L ee, tells about the old A rkansas fa rm er whose hogs had n early died o f starvation. When asked why, he replied, “Well, when I lost my voice through laryngi tis, I couldn’t call them to their feed. So, I got a big stick and hamm ered on the com crib. Everything was fin e; they soon learned the meaning o f my signal. Then, about three w eeks ago, some old woodpeckers really spoiled things. They went to pounding on the dead trees in my orchard. When the hogs heard them, they thought it was time to eat and went running toward the noise. This in turn frighten ed the woodpeckers who flew to another tree where they started their loud tapping all over again. Snorting in fru stration the pigs headed off in the new direction, but the same thing happened. You know, those woodpeckers have ju st about run my hogs to death.” We don’t know whether that’s a true story or not, but it re minds us o f the many in churches today who run a fte r the deceivers o f this age, the religious woodpeckers, as it were, those who prom ise substantial food, * *
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