Biola Broadcaster - 1967-11

It is another thing to hive the say­ ing of God. It is in this latter sense that Christ used the Word of God to defeat Satan. When Satan came tempting Him, He said, “It is writ­ ten.” And with that saying He de­ feated the tempter. What God has spoken is the only weapon we need to take areas from the enemy. We can advance through the use of, and dependence on, the Word of God, which is the sword of the Spirit. The very contemplation and application of the Word of God to our own hearts will make us real­ ize our shortcomings before God and of our need of His cleansing power. It will cause us to break with our old life and to begin a new life. It will cut and condemn and separate and change. The last victory which shall be won will be won by the Word. We read that the name of

God. All of the systems which the human head can spin which do not present Jesus Christ the Son of God, crucified on Calvary, are no protec­ tion for man from his supreme enemy. The next weapon of the panoply of God is offensive as well as defensive. It is the Word of God, which is com­ pared to a sword. This is called the sword of the Spirit, because God’s Word is Spirit-inbreathed or in­ spired. It is accurate, authentic, pow­ erful, sharp, and convicting. It is God’s revelation. The Word of God is sufficient to destroy error, to dis­ lodge wicked ones, to defeat the enemy. It is not enough, however, simply to believe that the Bible is the inspired Word of God. It must become the living Word of God in your life. It is one thing to talk about the Logos or the Word of God.

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