grooming of your own soul? The average Christian probably spends more time brushing his teeth, comb ing his hair, taking care of his per sonal needs in one day than he would in a whole week for personal spirit ual growth. This is a tragic fact. Let me spend just another moment on the word apparel which Peter properly uses, putting on o f apparel. Do you know what that means, more than just outer clothing? It is in teresting to note from this word in the original language we get our term masquerade. This should tell us something. It reminds us of the fact that many times clothes put on are merely a masquerade or a cover ing for what the individual is with in the heart. Clothing covers up more than the body; it may also seek to cover the soul. That’s why Adam and Eve sought for covering when they sinned. Now, we are not to dress to at tract attention to ourselves, nor are we to dress to appeal to the depraved nature of mankind. An important word comes from J. Edgar Hoover, director of the FB I, who has pointed out that one of the reasons for the many violent sex crimes rapidly on the increase in every city across America is because of the way wom en dress. Evil women not only seek to attract attention to themselves but also pander to the baser and lustful desires of men. Notice verse four, “But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price.” The apostle is now talking about your disposition, or the real you. It takes no skill to discern inward beauty. We may miss the new dress, hat, or some other fancy fashion as husbands, but it’s impossible to over look the beauty of a soul properly attired by the Spirit of God from the inside out. 7
to look ‘all in. ’ We find the word plaiting used, which today would probably come nearer to braiding. Historians of that day tell us how the women spent a long time, often many hours, working with their hair. They would weave it intricately, intertwining the strands with gold chains of pearls and other precious stones. As a re sult, the hair rose mountain-high on top of their heads. You think some of these bouffant hairdos of a year or GOD TOOK MY HAND I had to come to the place in my life Where no one could understand; The heartache I felt— forsaken, alone, 'Twas then, God took my hand. He told me to leave my burdens with Him, To lean on His mighty arm; He promised to keep me in perfect peace To protect me from all harm. I claimed His promises for my own, In simple faith, believing; And right away He proved a friend His blessings I began receiving. It took a big sorrow to bring rhe to Him, To say, " I surrender all"; But now, thanks to God, I can truth fully say, I am His whatever befall! — Charlene W. Sandstrom more ago had the hair piled up high ? Clement of Rome tells about many of the women who had their hair plaited to a height of 12 or more inches above the scalp. Many of the women, after having spent hours on their hair, wouldn’t sleep in a re clining position for fear of harming their creative masterpiece. With this background, you can see what Peter is talking about. How much time do you spend for personal grooming? Do you spend that much time in personal devotions in the
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