Biola Broadcaster - 1967-11

man, although age caught up with her, as it does with all of us, yet her beauty was so exquisite that when Abraham was in Egypt, Pharaoh was enchanted by her loveliness and de­ sired her for his wife. This story is recounted in Genesis 12:11-13. As a matter of fact, the wicked monarch was used of the Lord to rebuke Abra­ ham for the fact that he was more afraid of an individual than in pre­ serving the chastity of his own wife. Be like Sara and don’t be afraid with any amazement. The term amazement is best translated as hav­ ing no fluttering alarm. Don’t fear any fear. Perhaps, based on listener re­ sponse, we may have another mes­ sage on the husband’s responsibili­ ties. Don’t forget the word likewise here in verse 1 is God’s ditto marks, for what has been said concerning the wife must now be true and prac­ ticed by the husband, especially if he has a wife who knows not Christ as Saviour. What a tremendous re­ sponsibility before us all as we have loved ones who need C h ris t as Saviour!

With what do you clothe the inner man? Peter says that the ornament should be a meek spirit. Meekness, of course, is opposed to the world’s maxim. But don’t confuse meekness with weakness. The two or not sy­ nonymous. The Lord Jesus said, “Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart” (Matt. 11:28). If you want to know how to be gentle, then link your life up with the Lord. The wife is also told to be adorned in quietness. By translation from the original the word quiet means to keep one’s seat. A certain baseball coach would always jump up from the bench in a fury if the umpire called a ball “a strike” contrary to his opinion. Sometimes he ran out on to the field. He was known for this. It perhaps is an all too human reaction. When something happens to us, the first instinct we have is to stand up for our rights; whether necessary or unnecessary, we can’t possibly be wrong. Peter says, “May your spirit be quiet.” Keep your seat! Don’t flare up, for remember you’re in God’s sight. No book has ever been written con­ taining more practical illustrative truths than the Bible itself. Verse 5 of I Peter 3 tells us, “For after this manner in the old time the holy women also, who trusted in God, adorned themselves, being in sub­ jection unto their own husbands.” One of the most beautiful portions of God’s Word is the 20 verses found in Proverbs 31:10-21 giving us an acrostic of woman’s responsibility and privileges in the home. Finally, in our study of I Peter 3, the sixth verse gives us the prac­ tical and explicit example of Sara who, “obeyed Abraham, calling him lord: whose daughters ye are, as long as ye do well, and are not afraid with any amazement.” Someone may say, “Who’s want to be like Sara? She was old and wrinkled.” Don’t believe it! She was a beautiful wo­

Or. Samuel H. Sutherland, (left) Biola president, looks over plans for the school's 33rd Annual Torrey MemorialBible Conference to be held in key churchesthroughout Southern Califor­ nia. Withhim is the Rev. KennethFischer, pas­ tor of the Magnolia Baptist Church of Anaheim, which wil be one of the locations for the meetings, January28 to February 2, 1968. The Rev. Mr. Fischeris a graduate of Biola.


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