King's Business - 1929-07

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July • 1929

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Volume 20— Number 7 25 Cents a copy

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T H E K I N G ’S B U S I N E S S W il lia m P. W h it e , D.D., E ditor Motto: "I, the Lord, do keep it; I will water it every moment: lest any hurt it, I will keep it night and day.’’ Isaiah 27:3. PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY AND REPRESENTING THE BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES Volume XX July, 1929 Number 7 Table of Contents From the New President of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles..... 307 Restoring Confidence .................................... -............................—.....308 The Need of Dogmatism—Rev. Walter E. Edmonds..................... 313 Hats Off to the Moody Bible Institute of Chicago L......... I.......... 314 Glimpses of Bible Institute Students Around the World —-Besse D. McAnlis......... .... - .......................................................315 The “Christian Hope” Considered from the Viewpoint of the Advanced Modernism—John Horsch........................................319 What Shall We Eat?—Rev. W. H. Pike........................................320 After High School—Where ?—Idella Sieben........ i......................... 322 The Maid of Moab—James Mailley......... ......................................324 The Practical Personal Satisfaction of Living for Christ —W. F. J. Shelley............................................................,.............326 Other Cities Also—Rev. R. A. Jaffray........................................ .....328 Open Doors in Latin America—-George T. B. Davis....................... 330 Seed Thoughts from. St. Mark—Rev. Wilfred M. Hopkins........... 332 Striking Stories of God’s Workings.................................................. 335 Heart to Heart with our Young Readers —Florence Nye Whitwell................. .*.........................................337 Homiletical Helps for Preachers and Teachers............................. 340 The Junior King’s Business—Sophie Shaw Meader....................... 341 “To the Jew First”—David L. Cooper............................ ...............343 International Lesson Commentary—David L. Cooper..................344 Notes on Christian Endeavor—Alan S. Pearce........ .......................349 Biola Question Box—Rev. W. H. Pike....... ,...................................351 Our Literature Table.......................................................................... 352 A Book A Month.......... .................. 353 An Astonishing Biblical Discovery—Edwin Noah Hardy, D.D.... 354 Daily Devotional Readings.................................................................. 356

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POLICY AS D E FIN ED BY TH E BOARD OF D IRECTORS OF TH E BIBLE IN ST I­ TUTE OF LOS ANGELES (a) To sta n d fo r th e in fallib le W ord of God and its g re a t fu n d am e n ta l tru th s , (b) To stre n g th e n th e fa ith of a ll believers, (o) To s tir young m en a n d w om en to fit them selves fo r and en g ag e in definite C h ristia n w ork, (d) To m ake th e B ible In s titu te of Los A ngeles know n, (e) To m ag n ify God our F a th e r and th e person, w ork and com ing of our L ord Je su s C h rist; and to tea ch th e tra n sfo rm in g pow er of th e H oly S p irit in our p re se n t p ra c tic a l life, (f) To em phasize in stro n g , co n stru ctiv e m essag es th e g re a t fo u n d atio n s of C h ristia n faith . 536-558 S. Hope St., BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES, Los Angeles, California

D r . E. L. M c C r e e r y DEAN OF THE FACULTY BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES D R. ELBERT L. McCREERY, the new Dean of the faculty of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, is a graduate of Monmouth College, Illinois, and the Xenia Theological Seminary of St. Louis. The former institution conferred upon him the degree of Doctor of Divinity some years ago. For many years he was an honored missionary in the Sudan, giving the Sudanese a written language into which he translated the Gospel. Later he was the head of the Pastor’s Course in the Moody Bible Institute of Chicago, leaving there to become the pastor of a congregation at Fort Morgan, Colo. He thoroughly understands Bible Institute work and is splendidly quali­ fied for the responsible position to which he has been called. Dr. McCreery will reach Los Angeles July first.

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From the New President of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles S TA T EM E N T OF DOCTR INE OF THE B IBLE IN S T ITU T E OF LO S ANGELE S E v ery m em ber of th e B oard of D i­ re cto rs, an d every te a c h e r and m is­ sionary, is re q u ire d to sig n th is S ta te ­ m en t of D octrine th e first of every y e a r; and no one can ever p reach or tea ch in our b u ild in g s a n y doctrine c o n tra ry to it. I. a lie n ated from th e life of God th ro u g h th e ig norance th a t is in them , h ard en ed in h e art, m o rally and sp iritu a lly dead th ro u g h th e ir tre sp a sse s a n d sins. T hey cannot see, nor e n te r th e kingdom of God u n til th ey a re born a g a in of th e H oly S pirit. IX.

IV. • T he L ord Jesu s, before H is in c a rn a ­ tion, ex isted in th e form of God, and of H is own choice laid aside H is divine g lo ry and took upon H im self th e form of a se rv a n t an d w as m ade in th e lik e ­ ness of men. In H is p re -e x iste n t sta te , He w as w ith God and w as God. He is a divine person possessed of a ll th e a tt r i ­ butes of D eity, and should be w orshiped as God by an g els a n d men. “In Him dw elleth a ll th e fu ln ess of the- Godhead bodily.” A ll th e w ords th a t He spoke d u rin g H is e a rth ly life w ere th e w ords of God. T h ere is ab so lu te ly no e rro r of a n y k in d in them , and by th e w ords of Je su s C h rist th e w ords of a ll o th er tea ch e rs m u st be tested . V. The L ord JeSus becam e in every r e ­ sp ect a re a l m an, possessed of a ll the e sse n tia l c h a ra c te ris tic s of h u m a n n a tu re . VI. By H is d e ath upon th e cross, th e Lord Je su s m ade a p e rfe c t ato n em en t fo r sin, by w hich th e w ra th of God a g a in s t sin ­ n ers is appeased a n d a g ro u n d fu rn ish e d upon w hich God can deal in m ercy w ith sin n ers. He redeem ed us from th e curse of th e law by becom ing a cu rse in our place. He w ho H im self w as a b so lu tely w ith o u t sin w as m ade to be sin in our b eh alf th a t we m ig h t becom e th e r ig h t­ eousness of God in Him . T he L ord Je su s is com ing a g a in to th is e arth , p e rso n ­ ally, bodily, and visibly. T he re tu rn of our L ord is th e blessed hope o f th e b e­ liever, and in it God’s p u rp o ses of g race to w a rd m an k in d w ill find th e ir consum ­ m ation. VII. The H oly S p irit is a person, and is possessed of all th e d istin c tiv e ly divine a ttrib u te s . He is God. V III. Man w as c rea te d in th e im age of God, a fte r H is lik en ess, b u t th e w hole h u ­ m an ra ce fell in th e fa ll of th e first Adam . All men, u n til th e y accept the L ord Je su s as th e ir p erso n al Saviour, are lost, d a rk en e d in th e ir u n d e rstan d in g ,

Men a re ju stified on th e sim ple and single g ro u n d of th e shed blood of C h rist a n d upon th e sim ple and sin g le condi­ tio n of fa ith in H im who shed th e blood, and a re born a g a in by th e quickening, ren ew in g , c le an sin g w o rk of th e H oly S pirit, th ro u g h th e in stru m e n ta lity of th e W ord of God. X. All those who receive Je su s C h rist as th e ir S aviour and th e ir Lord, and who confess H im as such before th e ir fellow men, becom e ch ild ren of God an d r e ­ ceive e te rn a l life. T hey becom e h e irs of God and jo in t-h e irs w ith Je su s C hrist. A t d e ath th e ir sp irits d e p a rt to be w ith C h rist in conscious blessedness, and a t th e second com ing of C h rist th e ir bodies sh all be ra ise d and tra n sfo rm e d in to th e lik en ess of th e body of H is glory. XI. All those who p e rsiste n tly re je c t Je su s C h rist in th e p re se n t life sh a ll be ra ise d from th e dead an d th ro u g h o u t e te rn ity e x ist in a s ta te of conscious, u n u tte rab le , endless to rm e n t an d a n ­ guish. X II. The C hurch c o n sists of all th o se who, in th is p re se n t dispensation, tr u ly be­ lieve on Je su s C hrist. I t is th e body and bride of C hrist, w hich C h rist loves and fo r w hich He h a s given H im self up. X III. T h ere is a p erso n al devil, a being of g re a t cu n n in g an d pow er, “T he prince of th e pow er of th e a ir,” “T he p rin ce of th is w orld,” “T he god of th is ag e.” He can e x e rt v a st pow er only so fa r as God suffers him to do so. He sh a ll u ltim a te ly be c a s t in to th e lak e of fire a n d b rim ­ sto n e and sh a ll be to rm e n ted day and n ig h t forever.

T he Bible, c o n sistin g of all th e books of th e Old and New T estam en ts, is th e W ord of God, a su p e rn a tu ra lly given re v elatio n from God H im self, co n cern in g H im self, H is being, n a tu re , c h ara cte r, w ill and purp o ses; a n d con cern in g m an, his n a tu re , need, d u ty an d destiny. The S c rip tu re s of th e Old and New T e s ta ­ m en ts a re w ith o u t e rro r or m is s ta te ­ m en t in th e ir m oral and sp iritu a l te a c h ­ in g s and reco rd of h isto ric a l facts. They a re w ith o u t e rro r or defect of an y kind. II. T h ere is one God, e te rn a lly e x istin g and m an ife stin g H im self to us in th ree P e rso n s—F a th e r, Son an d H oly S pirit. III. Our L ord Je su s w as su p e rn a tu ra lly conceived by th e pow er of th e H oly S p irit and born of a v irg in—Mary, a lin e a l descen d an t of David. He lived and ta u g h t an d w ro u g h t m ig h ty w o rk s and w onders and sig n s e x ac tly as is recorded in th e fo u r Gospels. H e w as p u t to d eath by crucifixion un d er P o n tiu s P ilate . God ra ise d from th e dead th e body th a t had been nailed to th e cross. T he L ord Je su s a f te r H is crucifixion show ed H im self alive to H is disciples, a p p e a rin g un to th em by th e space of fo rty days. A fter th is th e L ord Je su s ascended in to heaven, a n d th e F a th e r caused H im to sit a t H is rig h t hand in th e heavenly places, fa r above a ll ru le an d a u th o rity and pow er an d dom inion an d every nam e th a t is nam ed, n o t only in th is world, bu t also in th a t w hich is to come, and p u t a ll th in g s in su b jectio n un d er H is feet, and gave H im to be H ead over all th in g s to th e Church.

I HAVE signed the above Statement of Doctrine with no mental reservations, for I have taught these truths all through a ministry of forty years. It is a Statement of the Fundamental truths of God’s infallible Word. It is the Confession of Faith upon which this Bible Institute was founded. I knew the founders and their interpretation of this Statement of Doctrine. To accept the responsibility of the President of the Bible Institute and be untrue to the faith of its founders would not be honest. God helping me, I shall maintain, teach and defend the faith, and shall insist that each member of the faculty and each contributor to the columns of T h e K in g ’ s B u s in e s s be true to that historic faith. We shall be intolerant of all erroneous teaching con­ cerning faith and life. The most intolerant teacher is Jesus Christ. He said, “He who is not with Me, is against Me.” He never had a kind word for those who wilfully taught false doctrine. It will be the business of the Institute in every department to warn the students under its care against the subtleties of Modernism. To ignore the fact that there is a Satanic fight going on among professed Christians against the integrity of God’s Word and the historic faith, is the height of foolishness.

It will also be the business of the Institute to warn those under its care against the divisive influence of mod­ ern religious fads. The refuge of Gamaliel is the refuge of a coward. As a leader and teacher in Israel he should have pronounced against the new movement, or given to it his hearty endorsement. But the best way to counteract error is to teach the truth. Our students shall not be taught all about counter­ feit money. They must learn to handle good money! Our program will be constructive. Jesus Christ teaches positive truth, and truth lights men’s pathway to God. In contending for the essentials of our faith, we fear the possibility of quenching the great Fundamental of life : “By this shall all men know that ye are My disciples, if ye have love one to another.” We love men and women because our Lord loved them. He never tried to win their faith by using a club. He wept over Jerusalem! He died for them! Under the guidance of the Holy Spirit we shall oontend earnestly for “the faith once for all delivered unto the saints,” but in our contention we will endeavor to show forth the life of our loving Lord. We shall work with the churches. We desire the con­ fidence of faithful pastors. We know something of their

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every conservative pastor a friend of this Bible Institute. We desire the confidence of all Christians as we en­ deavor to train others to “teach the Word; . . . reprove, re­ buke, with all longsuffering and d o c t r i n e We are en­ deavoring to be worthy of your support. The Institute needs money . We have no endowment. We do not believe in “drives” for money. A “draw” is much better. We have no desire to divert money from the regular chan­ nels of a faithful church. If the Institute is true to God we trust Him to furnish the money to run it. We shall endeavor to live humbly before Cod that we may deserve the confidence of all who love His Word and His Son. The Bible Institute of Los Angeles shall not die, but live and declare the works of the Lo rd ! If this suits you, place the Institute on your prayer list and your payroll.

burdens and responsibilities. The real pastor carries a heavier burden than anyone in his community. He may be resisting the most subtle temptation. We long to be able in some way to help him. We would be delighted to have access to his study, to kneel with him in prayer, and have a place in his heart. If we have the confidence of the pastors we will have access to their young people. The Institute exists largely for consecrated young people. We want to help train them for efficient life service. We expect to have the very best teachers to be had in this country on our faculty; godly men and women who know the Word; experts in their line. Under God we desire to prepare young people for the work of the foreign mission field, for soul-winning in the home field, for assistants to pastors as directors of Christian education and activities. We will, through our Extension Department, furnish to churches, evangelists and competent Bible teachers to help win souls to Christ and build them up in our holy faith. We will seek to make

Jsi Ês£ Jsè

Restoring Confidence

T HE only reason for publishing the following mes­ sages o f encouragement is that they may help to restore the confidence o f old-time friends in the Bible Institute. These words from a few o f the leaders and Bible teachers of this country should remove every ques­ tion concerning the future testimony o f the Bible Institute o f Los Angeles.

are interested in Bible training at its best may look with confidence to this Institute as a school where their highest hopes may be realized.

A G ood W ord F r om t h e E d it o r o f T h e “ S u n d a y S c h o o l T im e s ”

F r om P r o fe sso r L e a n d e r S. K e y s e r , D.D. Hamma Divinity School ( Springfield, Ohio )

It is cause for great thanksgiving that God has so manifestly guided the Bible Institute of Los Angeles through its recent trying experiences into the place of hopefulness, promise, and unclouded testimony that it occupies today. A Christian worker was seeking light from a veteran Christian leader of wide experience on a grave problem confronting a well-known institution. The older man was speaking words of assurance,, when the other, tempted to discouragement, asked: “But have you ever had a crisis in your work?” With a smile came the reply: “I was going to say we are never without them.” Crises are common in these last days, in every institu­ tion and organization that seeks to stand true to the old faith, but they are not insuperable, and the experience of the Bible Institute is a blessed testimony to this fact. Its friends in the staff of the Sunday School Times, who with so many others have watched and prayed during this crisis, believe that the Institute Directors have been notably guided, step by step, and have been strengthened to take difficult actions from time to time, until the point was reached when God’s hand seemed unmistakably to be laid upon Dr. White to head the administrative work in the reorganization. The Times confidently shares in the belief of many that the Institute has now entered upon the richest opportunity of testimony, Bible teaching, and evangelistic training that it has yet known, and in view of the great blessings in its past this is saying much. But the facts justify this high and confident hope; and we now believe Christian parents, students, and all others who

It certainly affords me pleasure to commend the Bible Institute of Los Angeles under its new management. I have had some acquaintance with Dr. William P. White, the newly elected President, in his connection with the Moody Bible Institute, and feel assured that he accepts the “faith once for all delivered” in all its full-toned beauty and integrity. There is in him no slant toward the Modernism of the day which is doing so much harm to the cause of Christ. It rejoices my heart to receive evidence that the Board of Directors of the Institute are resolved to keep it loyal to its original doctrinal position and to its great spiritual purpose. In view of their acceptance of the fundamental doctrines of Christianity and of the Bible as the ultimate and inerrant authority in matters of faith and practice, I am ready to commend the Institute whenever I have opportunity.

F r om T h e D e a n o f T h e P o r t l a n d U n io n B ib l e C l a s se s

Recent changes in the management and faculty of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles indicate the inauguration

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of a regime which should restore full confidence among the friends of the Institute who were anxious concerning its future. With the Board of Trustees reorganized and unan­ imously behind the new President, Dr. W. P. White, it would seem that the Lord has most graciously answered the many prayers that have been offered. With Dr. White as President the friends of the Insti­ tute throughout the country may be assured that there will be sound and sane, as well as strongly constructive, Bible teaching and Christian training in the class rooms. Such training will send the students out with a knowledge of the Bible and how to use it for the blessing of the whole Church; and thus the original purpose of the Insti­ tute will be fulfilled. Personally I know of no man, who could be secured, who is better fitted, both by technical training and prac­ tical experience, to occupy the President’s office than Dr. White. The whole country, and especially the Pacific coast, knows him, and knowing him trusts him. I believe the Institute is now entering a period of rich spiritual prosperity which promises large things for the Lord Jesus Christ and the Church which is His Body. If my voice has any influence whatever it is raised in an appeal for constant prayer for and hearty support of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles under its present man­ agement.

My next visit took place on the invitation of my friend Dr. Reuben A. Torrey, now also with the Lord. The Institute had not yet been completed and I spoke under their auspices in the Immanuel Presbyterian Church and addressed one Sunday afternoon some 4,000 people in the Temple Auditorium. Then, on the urgent invitation of Mr. Lyman Stewart and Dr.' Torrey, I visited Los Angeles for a number of years to hold each year for the entire month of August a summer Bible Conference. I believe this was one of the greatest things in Bible teaching I have been permitted to do. My last visit brought, on Sundays, audiences morn­ ing, afternoon and evening, which ran into the thousands, and the week night services of constructive and progres­ sive Bible teaching secured greater audiences than ever before known in the Institute. Then came the anxious times, when things seemed to slip. There is no need of going into details. Having, been so intimately associated with the founder of the Institute and having enjoyed such blessings in ministry, it is need­ less to say deep sorrow filled my heart, and many prayers ascended to the throne of grace that the threatening col­ lapse might be avoided. These prayers, and the prayers of hundreds of others have now been answered. It was good news to my heart when I heard that my old friend, Dr. W. P. White, had accepted the presidency of the Los Angeles Bible Institute. He is the right man in the right place, both as the head of the Institute and as editor of T h e K in g ’ s B u s in e s s . He is sound in every way and a strong believer in all the great truths of the Bible, including the prophetic-dispensational t r u t h s which of late have been attacked and maligned by imma­ ture teachers. Dr. White and the new management has therefore my earnest prayers and my best wishes. For a time it was im­ possible for me to recommend the work of the Institute on account of existing conditions. It has once more my heartiest endorsement and if it should please the Lord to use me in any other way to bring back the old times of blessing, I would greatly rejoice. Yours as always,

F rom M r . S id n e y T. S m it h Winnipeg , Canada I was delighted to hear of your appointment as Presi­ dent of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. The situation in Los Angeles is such as to demand tactful and kindly, and yet faithful and firm handling. When troubles arise such as this, people get worked up to extremes and it needs a steady hand to guide affairs in such circumstances. These qualifications you undoubtedly have, and, added to them, your knowledge and experience and your reputation and standing as a Bible teacher, make a combination which I feel confident the Lord will bless and own.

F rom B is h o p B e a l , o f F ir s t B a p t is t .C h u r c h o f T u c s o n , A r iz o n a I am glad to bear testimony to my faith in the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. For many years 1 have been convinced that the Bible Institute movement is of God, raised up of Him in protest to the barrenness of many of our theological seminaries. Because of the fact that great stress is laid upon Bible study, personal prayer, and evangelism, these schools have been the especial object of Satan’s attack. All of them have had their problems in one way and another, and Biola has not been free from them. Through1the trying months I have prayed most earnestly that victory for the truth of the Gospel would come to that great school. I feel sure that God has answered the; multiplied thousands of prayers offered in behalf? of that lighthouse and training station.

— o — ,

F r om T h e E d it o r o f “ O u r , H o p e ” My first visit to Los Angeles was made in 1904, that is twenty-five years ago this fall. Mr. Ralph D, Smith of the Los Angeles Bible House had rented a hall on Broad­ way, and for a week I spoke there twice daily. One of the faithful attendants was the late Lyman Stewart, of pre­ cious, memory. He became so deeply interested that he fol­ lowed me to San Francisco to attend the meetings there. It was at this time that he had the first vision of a great BiblerInstitute for Los Angeles.


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Biola can render invaluable service to the great South­ west. Very few sections in this country of ours are grow­ ing as fast as this area. Its vast resources are hardly touched, and the great irrigation projects being developed, are bringing people to this region in great numbers. The crying need is for men who stand for the Book, and who will preach it out of a Spirit-filled heart; After eleven years’ experience in Arizona, I know how hard’ it is to find such men. We are compelled to turn to the Bible Institutes. Thank God, they are raised up for this very purpose. Young people are coming to me almost daily express­ ing a desire to enter Christian work, having realized the Call of God. They want to know where they ought to go for their training. They feel the impulse to go still far­ ther West. As Biola stands loyal to the Word of God, she will minister effectively toward them. I have confi­ dence in your leadership, and in the school, and look for a gracious victory all along the line. Sincerely in His name,

results. I oommend him most highly as a brother greatly beloved and worthy of prayerful confidence. He is a leader with whom conservative ministers and church workers will find great joy and satisfaction in any min­ istry he may render. As Editor-in-Chief of T h e K in g ’ s B u s in e s s he will always represent the high standards upon which the Los Angeles Bible Institute rests and will under the guidance of the Holy Spirit support without reserve the statement of doctrine recently published in the columns of this fun­ damental magazine, which so far as possible should find a place in every Christian home. Sincerely,

Moderator, Synod of California and Nevada.

F r om O n e o f A m e r ic a ’ s F o r em o s t B ib l e T e a c h e r s Am very grateful to God for answered prayer in lead­ ing Dr. White to accept the call to the presidency of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. I believe he will prove the right man in the right place. Shall continue to pray that this great institution may prosper under his faithful lead­ ership.

F r o m t h e S o n o f D r . R . A . T o rrey I have a deep interest in the Institute and long to see God glorified out there. I had felt confident from the first that God would Straighten out the affairs which have so distressed our hearts and bring the institution through this period of testing to greater strength and usefulness than it has enjoyed in the past. May God’s richest bless­ ing and wisdom be yours during these important days. Yours with affectionate greeting,

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F r o m D r . B a r n h o u s e , P r e a c h e r to t h e L a r g e st R a d io A u d ie n c e i n A m e r ic a , P h il a d e l p h ia , P a . I have just learned of the recent action of the Board of Directors in electing you to the presidency of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. I want to extend to you my heartiest congratulations, and to the Institute as well. Those of us who have been praying earnestly for the Institute during the last few years have been wondering just what God would do and whom God would raise up to take that very important work. The moment that I learned of your appointment as the head of the Institute I felt that our prayers had been answered and that the right man was now in the right place. There is no doubt that you have a difficult position but there is no doubt that we have an all-powerful Lord who is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think. I am sure that there is urgent need for a great Bible training school-on the Pacific coast and since the. Bible Institute of Los Angeles has such magnificent equip­ ment, and such a strategic location, there is every reason to believe that you will make steady progress for our Lord till He come. I rejoice for the school that you are how at its head. I remember our personal fellowship in !times -past-:and

• F rom A P r e s b y t e r ia n M od era tor After seventeen years of close connection with the Bible Institute of Los Angeles it has brought definite sat­ isfaction to me to know of the reorganization which places Dr. W- P- White at its head as President. Dr. White is known by an ever-increasingly large num­ ber of pastors and church officials throughout this entire .coast country as well as in many centers throughout the 'United States. Pie is a conservative who knows full well how to represent such an institution. He is a scholar and Bible teacher who leaves constructive plans wherever he goes, and ministers do not feel called upon to make any apology concerning Biblical interpretations. He is no “ faddist.” Dr. White has filled our pulpit'-frequently and his mes­ sages a t; oUr Bible Conferences have'brought permanent

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while I regret that you are not going to be traveling about in Bible conference work, because of the great bless- ing you have been to so many churches and because your new work will keep you so far from Philadelphia for such lengths of time, yet I feel that you will do a wonderful work for the Lord there and that your administration of the affairs of the Institute insures its immediate future arid will restore it to the complete confidence of any who may have wavered in their hope for the Institute. We will expect great things from the school now and we are sure that God will supply all your need, will raise up a host of new friends and will .bring back all the old ones.

F r om D r . W il l ia m E v a n s My sincere prayer and wish for you is that the richest blessing of God may be upon you in your new and exceed­ ingly difficult position at the Institute. I shall not forget you at the throne. God bless you. Most cordially,

D r . J. E. J aderquist

Welcome to “Biola” Faculty ! Dr. J. E. Jaderquist, for many years an honored teacher in Moody Bible Institute, is coming to the faculty of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, and will enter upon his duties at the beginning of the fall term in September next. He is at present on the faculty o f Gordon College o f Theology and Missions, Boston. Dr. Jaderquist was graduated at Knox College, Gales­ burg, Illinois, with the degree of B. A. He took post­ graduate work at New York University, New York City, thus securing his A.M . and Ph.D. degrees. We extend to Dr. Jaderquist a most cordial welcome to the Bible Institute staff. A W ir e F r om H o llyw o o d Congratulations and the assurance of my hearty sup­ port and my' warmest Christian fellowship. As an Alumnus of Xenia I greet you. You bring the two neces­ sary things to the Institute—brains plus common sense. Count on me one hundred per cent.

F rom D r . C o r t l a n d M y er s This is a prophetic hour in the history of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. The management of this great institution is now in the hands of Dr. White, who is one of the most* capable and consecrated and certain of men. The watchword of this school is “The whole Christ in the whole Bible for the whole world.” The strategic position it holds geographically and otherwise makes for a wonder­ ful center of influence in the kingdom. The valuable and attractive property furnishes it an opportunity second to none on the continent. The constit­ uency is increasirigly of the number 'who' are crowding up close to the heart of real Christianity. Its teaching will be the richest blessing and inspiration to the students who gather here in the coming years. Financial invest­ ment here will draw the largest dividends throughout the eternities.

F rom t h e P a st o r o f t h e F ir s t P r e s b y t e r ia n C h u r c h S e a t t l e , W a s h in g t o n I have learned that you have been selected as President of the Bible Institute of Los Angelesi I wish you every

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through which she has passed will prove to have been days of necessary purging, that she might be more fruitful than ever. We shall read T h e K in g ’ s B u s in e s s in search of those good reports that we are confident will be forth­ coming. Thousands of friends will hold you and the Institute before the throne; and the favor of God will surely be upon your loyalty to His Word and your chosen leadership. Sincerely yours,

blessing and unlimited success. God bless you in your new duties. You are true to the Word and will be able to do a tre­ mendous work as you lead the Institute in its devotion and in its service and in its work of teaching God’s infallible, inerrant Word. May God bless you and help you. Wishing you great success, I am Your true friend,

i F rom t h e D e a n o f T h e B ib l e I n s t it u t e o f P e n n s y l v a n ia I have intended writing you from the time I heard that the Bible Institute of Los Angeles had honored itself by electing you President. In all sincerity, I would say that I

May the Lord heart for this

believe they have chosen, wisely and well, strengthen your hands and enrich your great service!

The Coming “Super-Man” D R. OSCAR RIDDLE, speaking at the annual meet­ ing of the American Philosophical Society, made the startling prediction that science would soon be able to manipulate the processes of nature so as to produce different types of “ super-men.” “Some men,” he said, “will be made giants physically. Others will be produced with an ‘overtowering intellect.’ ” It was even suggested that science will be able to develop human beings who will be incurably optimistic! (We already have some of these.) Doubtless, most of these predictions are rather specu­ lative. The Christian, however, will recall that the Bible does predict the coming of a “Super-Man” at the end time. So great he will be that “all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the Book o f Life o f the Lamb” (Rev. 13:8). This “Super-Man” will be Satan’s great masterpiece for the purpose of deceiving those who have rejected the truth. .Perhaps Satan will employ the discoveries of an athe­ istic science in the bringing forth of his “Super-Man.” Who knows? The Disease and Its Remedy S OME earnest preachers are very successful in produc­ ing conviction of sin, and can count many professed conversions, but their work seems to lack stability. Con­ verts slip away; the revival enthusiasm quickly subsides. Bishop Moule in his Ephesian Studies points out a pos­ sible weakness in this kind of preaching: I have heard of great preachers whose perpetual message in the pulpit was the sinfulness of sin, and the profound ramifica­ tion of sin in the human heart. In all true preaching that stern element should be present, for tlje minister of the Gospel is also the vindicator and asserter of the Law. But the teaching which is all conviction is not Gospel teaching. In a strict sense, it is not Christian teaching; not distinctively Christian. For the peculiarity, the “difference,” of the Christian message is not its detection of the disease but its revelation of the remedy. The most soul-searching ministry becomes a ministry of the Gospel only as it goes on to set out the Lord Christ and the power of the eternal Spirit as the hope and liberty of the sinner, Aye, and to be a Gospel ministry indeed it must not only set Christ out but magnify Him, glorify Him, dilating and dwelling upon His “unsearchable riches” in the application to every need of man.

JU a P l { j

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F rom D r . A n d e r s o n o f t h e F ir s t P r e s b y t e r ia n C h u r c h , D a l l a s , T e x a s It is a matter of great satisfaction to the friends of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles and all that it has so faith­ fully represented in the past to have Dr. William P. White as its new President, and to have the new administration associated with him in charge of the affairs of the Insti­ tute. I am asking the privilege of a personal word of gratification because of the certain knowledge I have of Dr. White, and of the association I have had with him. He is an outstanding leader of the conservative schol­ arship of our Christianity, a man of rare pulpit qualities and one who has the confidence of us all everywhere in the country. Dr. White’s ministry in Dallas has been full of blessing upon every occasion of his visit here. It is the prayer of a great circle of friends of the Institute in this section that God may richly bless this valuable ministry and give effective entrance into the minds and hearts of our young people to these great truths to which we to­ gether hold.

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F r om D r . W . B . R il e y As one who has been deeply interested in the Bible Institute of Los Angeles from its beginning I want to extend my congratulations to you in becoming the head of that institution; and to Biola herself on having elected you to that office. I believe her splendid past will be merged now into a more glorious future and that the trying days



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The Need of Dogmatism ( i Cor. 1 4 : 7 * 9 ) B y R ev . W alter E . E dmonds M oderator , S ynod of C alifornia and N evada , P astor G len d ale (C a l .) P resbyterian C h u rc h (Substance of Baccalaureate Sermon to Graduating Class of 1929 of Bible Institute of Los Angeles)

f HE text suggests an emergency and rightfully so, for down through the ages God has always dealt with His people on the basis of an emergency. Salvation is planned on an emergency basis be­ cause of the lostness of man’s condition. Cal­ vary was an emergency. It was a necessity which God foreknew from before the foundation of the world.

six inches-to a yard. Why play fast and loose in matters of saving faith? Dogmatism is but another expression for militant Christianity. “Take unto you the whole armor of God—” The Sword of the Spirit—the Word of God—Watch, and Fight and Pray. “My soul be on thy guard, ten thousand foes arise.”

The fall of man was an emergency. The proto- evangel was to meet the need, for the “seed of the w o m a n s h a l l b r u i s e the serpent’s head.” This is no ex­ periment. T h e flood w a s a necessity and God’s ark was the only refuge. E g y p t,—the Promised land—Sinai, —the 1a w,—the fiery f u r n a c e—v i c t o ry through the presence of the Son of God—the den of 1i o n s, God’s hand s t o p p e d their. m o u t h s . The cross, resurrection, ascension, H i s literal return,— now separated, t h e n united. The spirit of dogmatism r u n s a l l through God’s dealings with His people. One word proves it—’“The Jew.” Hence our re­ ligious life needs to be put on -an> emergency basis. Many t o d a y are afraid of the word dog­ matism. A small boy thought it m e a n t a dog’s disease and to be compared w i t h astig­ matism a n d rheuma­ tism! Others associate it with mysticism, liber­ alism, Modernism, Rus- selism, etc. The truth

Dogmatism according to the dictionary means “marked by a positive assertion.” It suggests authority. The ten com­ mandments, sermon on the mount, the Golden Rule, purity and sin­ cerity of the individual life are all set upon the basis of dogmatism and do n o t suggest milk and‘water or an adul­ terated moral standard. Spurgeon o n c e said, “There’s n o t enough martyr blood in the Christian Church to fill a thimble.” One of the Catholic Cardinals re­ cently said, “The Pro­ testant Church has Jost its fighting s p i r j t . ” This should be accepted on the basis of Eph. 6: 10-17 and does not re­ fer to church scraps and bitterness among so-called, brethren. The' dogmatic note needs to be sounded as touching the ¡sin ques­ tion. Quoting ■ from' a r e l i g i o u s periodical, “Time to Tell of Sin” : “One thing can hardly be missed by any open- eyed p r e a c h e r—the times calls for the prac­ t i c a l elimination of every sermon topic ex-, cept o n e— Sin! The

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is, however, that John 3:16 is the outstanding interpreta­ tion of thé meaning of dogmatism which has never been an easy path for men of conviction and moral courage based upon God’s infallible Word. Foxe’s Book of Martyrs is but one proof apart from the sacred Scriptures. “Must I be carried to the skies on flowery beds of ease, while others fought to win the prize and sailed through bloody seas?” Most people plead for dogmatism in morals.-They demand it when it comes to the sixth, seventh and eighth commandments. The commercial world will listen to nothing else than one hundred cents on a dollar and thirty-

theology appropriate to this hour is above all else the theology of sin—God’s hatred of it, God’s pity for it, God’s salvation from it, God’s inexorable justice upon it —all in the light of the mercy, love and atonement of Jesus Christ. A man ought to tremble before the wrath of God if he stands up in the pulpit today and fails to preach against sin.” In this respectable age a minister takes his life in his hands when he denounces sin, especially in high place among those who wear “gold rings” (James 2f:2, 3). “All have sinned.” Sinners by nature, as well as practice. It is safe to assert, though often unpopular, that there can


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be no salvation apart from sacrifice. “Without the shed­ ding o f blood-—no remission." “Neither is there salvation in any other for there is none other natne-S-". Salvation by character is a misnomer, except as we wink at material­ ism. Dogmatism finds its level in the supernatural. The virgin birth—take dogmatism away at this point, “then are we bastards and not sons." The verbal inspiration of the Scriptures. The incarnation, regeneration, literal res­ urrection and Christ’s pre-millennial return. Dogmatism fits in with all God’s revelation to man. There is no exper­ iment. A “Thus saith the Lord" settles all debate. There should be no misunderstanding concerning the “judgments o f God which are true and righteous alto­ gether." If always the pulpit had sounded the dogmatic note as touching the judgments of God, men might cease their defiance of Almighty God who says “Though hand join in hand the wicked shall not go unpunished." Dr. Malcolm J. McLeod brought a dogmatic message before Princeton Theological students. His theme was “The Ministry Which our World Demands.” Dr. McLeod said that the greatest danger threatening organized reli­ gion is the decline of the pulpit. The minister must be a man, a student, a preacher, and a messenger. He must not change the message; that is not his business. The message does not belong to him. He belongs to the mes­ sage. He does not possess the Truth, the Truth possesses him. “The first work of the preacher is not to secure social justice, but to make men socially just. That was Christ’s propaganda and it worked. It always worked,” he said. “Let a man tell not his doubts, but the truth he has found,” Dr. McLeod urged. “Let him preach Jesus Christ, and let him rejoice in the privilege of declaring God. WHAT WE NEED TODAY IS THE POSI­ TIVE GOSPEL. THE WORLD IS SICK OF NEGA­ TIONS. What an opportunity is yours today, to preach the unsearchable riches of Jesus Christ.” There must be some reasons for the absence of this note of authority, especially as it pertains to the pulpit. Worldliness like a rip tide has swept oyer many pulpits.

Entangling alliances, unequally yoked together with unbe­ lievers, habits and practices, sins, of the deepest dye. The world looks on and blasphemes when they discover the minister’s hands red with the blood of his fellow man. When ordained men make a mock of the seventh com­ mandment and then pronounce the benediction. When Delilah creeps in and the prophet (?) of God finds his locks shorn. The dogmatic voice of the Lord God of Hosts must be recognized as interpreted in Matt. 7 :21-23. Modernism has robbed us of the dogmatic note. The min­ istry backed up by laymen must get back to a full hearted allegiance to authority of the Scriptures. “The only infal­ lible (dogmatic) rule of faith and practice.” Dr. Carroll speaks as “alarming” the waning membership in Protes­ tant Churches. Even Dr. Fosdick says, “Religion in the United States is in a badly muddled state. If the watch­ man on the walls of Zion be not stone blind and deaf he must now hesitate long before crying ‘All’s well.’ ” This dogmatic note must be sounded in the home. The home is a divine institution. The decay of the family altar speaks for itself. The nation can rise no higher than its Christian homes. Parents, guardians have a prior obli­ gation in matters of Christian training and example. There is such a thing as dogmatic blood as the foundation of the home. It is also true that God’s Word was dogmatic when He said “When I see the blood I will pass over you." “Safety first” as illustrated in the Passover command. The greatest need today in the realm of Christian edu­ cation is the dogmatic noté., It goes all through our public educational system. Then in the name of God and His Christ why climb up some other way and be classified as thieves and robbers? Christ has said it and it must be true. “I am the way and the truth and the life— .” “He that followeth me shall not walk in darkness but shall have the light o f life." All this and more calls for a dogmatic type of consecration. “Who then is willing to consecrate his service this day unto the Lord?” In the midst of present-day apostasy-—may God keep us true to the FAITH. j 'Mg:;

as» ate-

Hats Off to the Moody Bible Institute of Chicago! HE new President of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles was so long with the Moody Bible Insti­ tute that when the unanimous call came from the Board of Directors he would not accept the office until he had seen Dr. Gray to ask for his The Bible Institute of Los Angeles owes much to the Moody Bible Institute of Chicago, and as a loving, faithful child we take off our hats to Mother! The great institute founded by D. L. Moody has given us Torrey, Atkinson, Mrs. Allison, Hunter, Hubbard, Trowbridge, Tovey, Miss Boyd, Miss Riggs, Baldwin, Haavind, Page, Jaderquist, McCreery and White!

advice and blessing. The gracious President of the Moody Bible Institute not only released Dr. White from his posi­ tion on the Extension Department of that institution, but promised his moral support in the new -position, realizing that the call was from God. Dr. Gray will, God willing, appear on our platform next fall in a Bible conference which will be an announce­ ment to the world that the two great Bible Institutes of America stand for the same things and will work together in harmony. What a fine example such unity will be for the churches of Christ! Two great Christian institutions working without strife and contention, and yet without organic union!

“God bless the school that D. L. Moody founded; Firm may she stand, by foes in arms surrounded; Riches of grace bestowed, may she never squander; Keeping faith with God and man, her record over yonder.”

Yes, and well may every child .of God in these dark days pray God to continue to bless the school that James M. Gray has been given strength and grace to keep true to Him for more than a quarter of a century. Thank God for the Moody Bible Institute of Chicago. Thank God for President James M. Gray.

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