King's Business - 1929-07

July 1929


T h e

K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s

through which she has passed will prove to have been days of necessary purging, that she might be more fruitful than ever. We shall read T h e K in g ’ s B u s in e s s in search of those good reports that we are confident will be forth­ coming. Thousands of friends will hold you and the Institute before the throne; and the favor of God will surely be upon your loyalty to His Word and your chosen leadership. Sincerely yours,

blessing and unlimited success. God bless you in your new duties. You are true to the Word and will be able to do a tre­ mendous work as you lead the Institute in its devotion and in its service and in its work of teaching God’s infallible, inerrant Word. May God bless you and help you. Wishing you great success, I am Your true friend,

i F rom t h e D e a n o f T h e B ib l e I n s t it u t e o f P e n n s y l v a n ia I have intended writing you from the time I heard that the Bible Institute of Los Angeles had honored itself by electing you President. In all sincerity, I would say that I

May the Lord heart for this

believe they have chosen, wisely and well, strengthen your hands and enrich your great service!

The Coming “Super-Man” D R. OSCAR RIDDLE, speaking at the annual meet­ ing of the American Philosophical Society, made the startling prediction that science would soon be able to manipulate the processes of nature so as to produce different types of “ super-men.” “Some men,” he said, “will be made giants physically. Others will be produced with an ‘overtowering intellect.’ ” It was even suggested that science will be able to develop human beings who will be incurably optimistic! (We already have some of these.) Doubtless, most of these predictions are rather specu­ lative. The Christian, however, will recall that the Bible does predict the coming of a “Super-Man” at the end time. So great he will be that “all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the Book o f Life o f the Lamb” (Rev. 13:8). This “Super-Man” will be Satan’s great masterpiece for the purpose of deceiving those who have rejected the truth. .Perhaps Satan will employ the discoveries of an athe­ istic science in the bringing forth of his “Super-Man.” Who knows? The Disease and Its Remedy S OME earnest preachers are very successful in produc­ ing conviction of sin, and can count many professed conversions, but their work seems to lack stability. Con­ verts slip away; the revival enthusiasm quickly subsides. Bishop Moule in his Ephesian Studies points out a pos­ sible weakness in this kind of preaching: I have heard of great preachers whose perpetual message in the pulpit was the sinfulness of sin, and the profound ramifica­ tion of sin in the human heart. In all true preaching that stern element should be present, for tlje minister of the Gospel is also the vindicator and asserter of the Law. But the teaching which is all conviction is not Gospel teaching. In a strict sense, it is not Christian teaching; not distinctively Christian. For the peculiarity, the “difference,” of the Christian message is not its detection of the disease but its revelation of the remedy. The most soul-searching ministry becomes a ministry of the Gospel only as it goes on to set out the Lord Christ and the power of the eternal Spirit as the hope and liberty of the sinner, Aye, and to be a Gospel ministry indeed it must not only set Christ out but magnify Him, glorify Him, dilating and dwelling upon His “unsearchable riches” in the application to every need of man.

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F rom D r . A n d e r s o n o f t h e F ir s t P r e s b y t e r ia n C h u r c h , D a l l a s , T e x a s It is a matter of great satisfaction to the friends of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles and all that it has so faith­ fully represented in the past to have Dr. William P. White as its new President, and to have the new administration associated with him in charge of the affairs of the Insti­ tute. I am asking the privilege of a personal word of gratification because of the certain knowledge I have of Dr. White, and of the association I have had with him. He is an outstanding leader of the conservative schol­ arship of our Christianity, a man of rare pulpit qualities and one who has the confidence of us all everywhere in the country. Dr. White’s ministry in Dallas has been full of blessing upon every occasion of his visit here. It is the prayer of a great circle of friends of the Institute in this section that God may richly bless this valuable ministry and give effective entrance into the minds and hearts of our young people to these great truths to which we to­ gether hold.

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F r om D r . W . B . R il e y As one who has been deeply interested in the Bible Institute of Los Angeles from its beginning I want to extend my congratulations to you in becoming the head of that institution; and to Biola herself on having elected you to that office. I believe her splendid past will be merged now into a more glorious future and that the trying days

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