King's Business - 1929-07


July 1929

T- h é : K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s

be no salvation apart from sacrifice. “Without the shed­ ding o f blood-—no remission." “Neither is there salvation in any other for there is none other natne-S-". Salvation by character is a misnomer, except as we wink at material­ ism. Dogmatism finds its level in the supernatural. The virgin birth—take dogmatism away at this point, “then are we bastards and not sons." The verbal inspiration of the Scriptures. The incarnation, regeneration, literal res­ urrection and Christ’s pre-millennial return. Dogmatism fits in with all God’s revelation to man. There is no exper­ iment. A “Thus saith the Lord" settles all debate. There should be no misunderstanding concerning the “judgments o f God which are true and righteous alto­ gether." If always the pulpit had sounded the dogmatic note as touching the judgments of God, men might cease their defiance of Almighty God who says “Though hand join in hand the wicked shall not go unpunished." Dr. Malcolm J. McLeod brought a dogmatic message before Princeton Theological students. His theme was “The Ministry Which our World Demands.” Dr. McLeod said that the greatest danger threatening organized reli­ gion is the decline of the pulpit. The minister must be a man, a student, a preacher, and a messenger. He must not change the message; that is not his business. The message does not belong to him. He belongs to the mes­ sage. He does not possess the Truth, the Truth possesses him. “The first work of the preacher is not to secure social justice, but to make men socially just. That was Christ’s propaganda and it worked. It always worked,” he said. “Let a man tell not his doubts, but the truth he has found,” Dr. McLeod urged. “Let him preach Jesus Christ, and let him rejoice in the privilege of declaring God. WHAT WE NEED TODAY IS THE POSI­ TIVE GOSPEL. THE WORLD IS SICK OF NEGA­ TIONS. What an opportunity is yours today, to preach the unsearchable riches of Jesus Christ.” There must be some reasons for the absence of this note of authority, especially as it pertains to the pulpit. Worldliness like a rip tide has swept oyer many pulpits.

Entangling alliances, unequally yoked together with unbe­ lievers, habits and practices, sins, of the deepest dye. The world looks on and blasphemes when they discover the minister’s hands red with the blood of his fellow man. When ordained men make a mock of the seventh com­ mandment and then pronounce the benediction. When Delilah creeps in and the prophet (?) of God finds his locks shorn. The dogmatic voice of the Lord God of Hosts must be recognized as interpreted in Matt. 7 :21-23. Modernism has robbed us of the dogmatic note. The min­ istry backed up by laymen must get back to a full hearted allegiance to authority of the Scriptures. “The only infal­ lible (dogmatic) rule of faith and practice.” Dr. Carroll speaks as “alarming” the waning membership in Protes­ tant Churches. Even Dr. Fosdick says, “Religion in the United States is in a badly muddled state. If the watch­ man on the walls of Zion be not stone blind and deaf he must now hesitate long before crying ‘All’s well.’ ” This dogmatic note must be sounded in the home. The home is a divine institution. The decay of the family altar speaks for itself. The nation can rise no higher than its Christian homes. Parents, guardians have a prior obli­ gation in matters of Christian training and example. There is such a thing as dogmatic blood as the foundation of the home. It is also true that God’s Word was dogmatic when He said “When I see the blood I will pass over you." “Safety first” as illustrated in the Passover command. The greatest need today in the realm of Christian edu­ cation is the dogmatic noté., It goes all through our public educational system. Then in the name of God and His Christ why climb up some other way and be classified as thieves and robbers? Christ has said it and it must be true. “I am the way and the truth and the life— .” “He that followeth me shall not walk in darkness but shall have the light o f life." All this and more calls for a dogmatic type of consecration. “Who then is willing to consecrate his service this day unto the Lord?” In the midst of present-day apostasy-—may God keep us true to the FAITH. j 'Mg:;

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Hats Off to the Moody Bible Institute of Chicago! HE new President of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles was so long with the Moody Bible Insti­ tute that when the unanimous call came from the Board of Directors he would not accept the office until he had seen Dr. Gray to ask for his The Bible Institute of Los Angeles owes much to the Moody Bible Institute of Chicago, and as a loving, faithful child we take off our hats to Mother! The great institute founded by D. L. Moody has given us Torrey, Atkinson, Mrs. Allison, Hunter, Hubbard, Trowbridge, Tovey, Miss Boyd, Miss Riggs, Baldwin, Haavind, Page, Jaderquist, McCreery and White!

advice and blessing. The gracious President of the Moody Bible Institute not only released Dr. White from his posi­ tion on the Extension Department of that institution, but promised his moral support in the new -position, realizing that the call was from God. Dr. Gray will, God willing, appear on our platform next fall in a Bible conference which will be an announce­ ment to the world that the two great Bible Institutes of America stand for the same things and will work together in harmony. What a fine example such unity will be for the churches of Christ! Two great Christian institutions working without strife and contention, and yet without organic union!

“God bless the school that D. L. Moody founded; Firm may she stand, by foes in arms surrounded; Riches of grace bestowed, may she never squander; Keeping faith with God and man, her record over yonder.”

Yes, and well may every child .of God in these dark days pray God to continue to bless the school that James M. Gray has been given strength and grace to keep true to Him for more than a quarter of a century. Thank God for the Moody Bible Institute of Chicago. Thank God for President James M. Gray.

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