King's Business - 1929-07

July 1929


T h e

K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s

Its authority is revelation, not reason. Its theme is the Saviour, not the substance created by Him; the Master, not matter.” The Bible claims authority, reveals its authority, and has authority today in people’s hearts, and in the govern­ ments of earth. As one says, “The Bible is indeed the best Book in all the world. It is unique and stands in a class by itself. It is among books like a man among ani­ mals,—among them, but not of them. The Bible is all true. The Bible is the Word of God and is marvelous in its make-up. It is divine in its authorship and authority. It is deep in its contents. Distinct in its declarations. Defi­ nite in its utterances. Powerful in its influence. Decisive in its claims. Enduring in its texture. Holy in its char­ acter. Perfect in its revelation. Complete in its order. Sound in its testimony. The Bible is the infallible Word of the Living God, whose power and wisdom are unlim­ ited. Study it to be wise, believe it to be safe, and obey it to be happy.” Now with such a Book given mankind, what think you about the study of it as a mind-developer and educator ? Here is where our schools, colleges and universities have made the greatest mistake in not insisting that it be read and studied by our youth. On one occasion a discussion came up about what ten books one would choose if he were going to be cast upon a lonely island. Different books were suggested. One shrewd chap even suggested a cook book. But finally Dr. Mc­ Cormick, Chancellor Emeritus of the Pittsburgh Uni­ versity, said he would take but one Book and that one the Bible. At first blush this seemed like taking a great chance, but when it is given more thoughtful considera­ tion, we see the reasoning of the scholar. His contention was that the Bible is the Book of books and that it con­ tains, in one form or another, all that we can find in other volumes. Romance, adventure and tragedy are here in good measure. Poetry, biography, philosophy and wis­ dom also. Books for the young, like Ruth, Songs of Solomon and Proverbs; and books for the aged, like Ecclesiastes and Job. Revenge, hate, justice and mercy fill the Old Testament, while love, mercy, and grace over­ flow in the New Testament. The Chancellor knew that the man who would take this remarkable Book with him to a desert island would have a substantial library at his disposal, and with abun­ dance of time and leisure could most assuredly give him­ self a liberal education. Think of the value to each young mind to be trained to think the thoughts of God after Him. What principles of righteousness would be instilled into these young souls! What a preparation for their life work! II. T h e B ib l e A T o n ic F or C o n s c ie n c e But the Bible is more than an intellectual treat. It is a Book for the conscience. Here again we need to empha­ size the need of young men and women reading the Bible. The apostle John expressed it when he said (1 Jno. 2 :14), “I have written unto you, young men, because ye are strong, and, the Word o f God dbideth in you, and ye have overcome the evil one." There is no overcoming in this life without it and no hope in the world to come. What is the appalling thing about our crime wave? It is this: Young men and women carry it forward. Old men and women do not promote a crime wave. It is a generation of youth, who have been debarred from read­ ing and hearing this conscience tonic, the Bible. I am not surprised at all that we have more murders, more divorces, and more crimes in this than in any other country. We have discredited, suppressed, and neglected

to have this Bible read daily to our youth and by our youth. The conscience of our people is not exercised by the righteous principles of this Book. What we need in America is a conscience stirred by the Word of God, inter­ preted and applied by the Spirit of God. Mr. Babson, upon returning from Europe some months ago, was asked by the newspaper men as to the trouble in Europe. He had returned from an extensive tour in many cofintries. Mr. Babson said: “Europe is on fire, on fire with Bol­ shevism, Radicalism, and kindred perils, and unless these fires are put out they will burn up the world.” One of the newspaper men said: “What is the matter with Amer­ ica?” Mr. Babson replied: “Moral sickness.” A young reporter asked: “Mr. Babson, how can America be saved, then?” Mr. Babson replied: “You can write this for your front pages: America cannot be saved until the men and women of this generation get down upon their knees before God and pray the way their fathers and mothers prayed. We cannot be saved until the business men put the Ten Commandments back into business. Until then, we cannot save America.” The people of the world, as well as America, need the Bible as a conscience plow and a conscience harrow. It is the only Book that will make the conscience a working force in the individual life. I I I . T h e B ib l e A s F ood F or T h e S o u l But the Bible is also food for the soul. It is in reality the only food for faith. It is called the “ word of faith." I have never seen a discouraged, downcast, or defeated child of God who made it a practice to read and study the Bible every day of his life. But on the other hand, I have never seen a great noble, strong character, bearing burdens of responsibility, who was not a daily feeder upon this heavenly food. Jesus is admitted by both Chris­ tian and infidel to be the greatest character this world has ever known. He constantly rested His faith upon the Living Word of God. Notice how He quoted it in temp­ tation and when!He was tricked into argument by His opposerS. He was the written Word in action. If you wish strength, meditate daily upon some passage of the Bible. George f u lle r used to say “that he read the Scrip­ tures every day until his soul rejoiced in God,” and then he went out into the work of the day with a buoyant faith. You see, his faith was fed up to date. Let me quote, in closing, the words of two men: Recently Mr. Carl Gray, President of the Union Pa­ cific Railroad Company, said: “The Bible is the only firm foundation in life, and is all inclusive and all conclusive.” And the late Dr. Wm. I. Haven said: “Build your great cathedrals; yes! Enlarge your great universities; yes! Extend and place everywhere your great hospitals and homes of healing; yes! Advance your vast missionary movements; yes! And endow them! Endow them richly! But do not forget the Book in which are the words, ‘God so loved the world that he gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth on Him should not perish, but have eternal life." Sow your cities down with this Book. Broadcast it in every town and hamlet and to the solitary dwellers in forests and praries. Send it out to all peoples in all lands. GNe it of your little, or of your wealth. Endow it with millions. Where we send forth five millions of volumes a year, we ought to send fifty millions, for the healing of the world. But, above all, trust it—hide it in your hearts! Believe in it, and in Him who is revealed in it; and may you have the joy of the promise: ‘He that followeth Me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light o f life.’ " . . ,

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