King's Business - 1929-07

1MKing’s Business Offers You Three Propositions / for Securing Trial Subscriptions •

Proposition No. 1 $ 2.50 ' FIVE TRIAL SUBSCRIPTIONS THE RETURN OF THE LORD JESUS By R. A. TORREY A FITTING REMEMBRANCE of one who has brought blessing to thousands (P rice 75c Plus Postage)

Proposition No. 2 $ 2 .0 0

Propositidrf No. 3 $ 1.00

FOUR TRIAL SUBSCRIPTIONS We will add six months to your own subscription or you may send a trial subscription to a friend— F R E E

TWO TRIAL SUBSCRIPTIONS THE GATES OF HADES By W. E. CLARK A Bible Story of the words of Jesus, “The Gates of Hell (Hades) shall not prevail against it” (His Church) (P rice 50c Plus Postage)

trial subscription does NOT include those who are now subscribers) Propositions that Are Within the Reach of A ll I * - T/TNDLY D 0 0 S T THE I V I N G ’S OU S IN ESS Send Your Subscriptions in Now! THE KING’S BUSINESS 536 So. H ope Street, Los Angeles, Calif.

Please send the K. B. for six months to each of the following names, at the special rate of 50c each for which I enclose...................................... 1. Name.................................................................................. A ddress....................................................... 2. Name........................................................ ,........ | .............. Address.............................................................................. 3. Name................................................................................... Address.............................................................................. 4. Name..................................................................... A ddress..................................................................... 5. Name.................................................................................. A ddress.............................................................................

T h e K in g ’ s B u sin e ss 536 So. Hope St., Los -Angeles, Calif. Gentlemen;

H e r e comes another new subscription! This time it was secured simply by showing the magazine to the individual. I didn’t even suggest his sub­ scribing before he expressed his desire to do so. Enclosed find $1.25, the subscription price.

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