King's Business - 1929-07

July 1929


T h é ' K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s


m (jg era



Bible women, who have conducted this work amidst many discouragements, report interesting cases where the faith­ ful sowing of the Word has wrought a marked change in many young lives. One of the Bible women tells of a recent experience as follows: “Some time ago I was riding home on a bus on which were several girls who had been attending the Euodia Club which was held in their school. I also noticed a girl who did not seem to be included in this group, and sat in a seat by herself. After some of the others had left the bus I sat down by this girl and asked if she had heard of Euodia. She replied that she had never heard of it. So I told her what it was like. She said that she attended another club. Before leaving the bus I invited her to the Euodia Club if she felt she would like to attend, and told her that she would be very welcome. About three weeks later in walked this girl. After the club meeting I spoke to her and invited her to come again. About three weeks after­ ward she came back again and said she had decided to divide time between the two clubs. “Several months ago, after having been absent for a long time, she came back again to the Euodia Club. In the meantime she had called up to say that she was much distressed about having .joined a swimming club which conflicted with Euodia. I talked with her about it and she decided to stay in Euodia until after the Bible conference which was soon to be held. At the conference she defi­ nitely took Christ as her Lord and Saviour. This is only one instance of the blessing that Euodia is to high-school girls. “On Sundays we go to Juvenile Hall, where youthful delinquents are detained pending disposition of their cases. Last year my attention was called particularly to one girl who had been listening to the messages. These girls are usually hard to deal with. Their hearts are broken and sad. I had tried to talk to this girl. One Sunday I missed her and asked someone where she was. I was told she had been put in solitary confinement for infraction of one of the rules. I asked if I might go to see her. The one in charge said, ‘No, I think not.’ Finally I asked permission of the superintendent to see this girl, and I got in from Sunday to Sunday as long as she was in confinement. She said one day, ‘Maybe you think I have not been listen­ ing on Sunday as you have talked to us, but when I knew I had to be in solitary confinement I began to think. I went to the bars of the window and said, “God, are all these things true we hear on Sunday?” I asked Him to show me the truth.’ That girl gave herself to Jesus Christ. “The girls at Juvenile Hall do need your prayers. We give Testaments each Sunday to the girls who have none, and help them to make decisions for Jesus Christ. “Pray for these girls, that as our lives touch their lives, they will be led to take the Lord as their personal Saviour.” — o — Winning the Boys For Christ S OME folks seem to think that a Bible class has no real attraction for a boy. Mr. MacArthur, who has charge of the Boys’ Work of the Bible Institute, says he has

Saved to Serve O phase of the Bible Institute’s many-sided activities is more promising than that of the Lyceum-Eteri Clubs. Miss Myrtle Scott, who for several years has directed the work of these clubs with conspicuous success, recently re­ ported as follows: “We have Eteri Clubs in twenty-one surrounding com­ munities of Southern California among the business and college girls. At present there are six clubs exclusively among college women on the various campuses. A short while ago the young men of one of the universities ex­ pressed a desire to have a club. They were prompted to make this request because of the success attending the club for girls already established. Recently at a ban­ quet the two clubs met together to make plans for uniting the work. “The work in connection with these clubs is difficult in many ways. Prayer is desired that the definite Chris­ tian influence of these clubs may be far-reaching and fully measure up to the opportunities given, because of the great need in the colleges. Just now the students are looking forward to the last days of school, and are making deci­ sions for the future. Recently quite a number of young women—trained women, mentally equipped, believing in the old fashioned.religion—dedicated their lives to Chris­ tian service. We believe they should be mentally equipped as well as having prepared hearts. We do praise God for all the splendid, capable young business and college women who come to us. We are praying that we may be able to reach many such whom the Lord desires to use in His service. “All Lyceum-Eteri Clubs have had put before them the idea that every consecrated girl should engage in some definite form of Christian work. Many are teaching Bible classes, giving the same courses as taught in the clubs. Some girls find unique lines of service, wherever they may find themselves. One girl reads to those who are sick; another holds meetings among the Spanish-speaking peo­ ple. She has learned to eat the Mexican food, and is doing a real work as she goes in and out among them. “A cheering fact is that several school teachers attend the clubs. One consecrated teacher who attends the Ly­ ceum Club told her pupils that if on Sunday they would find Some other children who would like to go to Sunday school, she would call for them. By the time they were rounded up, there were twenty of them. After a few weeks they increased to forty. Each week they are rounded up and brought to Sunday school. About twenty of these children have accepted the Lord Jesus Christ. This is but one example of what one school teacher is doing, and indicates something of the character of work done by the Lyceum-Eteri Clubs.” — o — Faithfu l Sowing Means Fruit-Bearing T HE efforts of the Bible Institute on behalf of girls of high-school age are made through Euodia Clubs con­ ducted in homes near to the various high schools. The

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