King's Business - 1929-07

3 4 0 _____________ ______________________________ T h e HI H o m i l e t i c a l H e l p s ( S “ | m | READY BIBLE OUTLINES K i n g ' s B u s i n e s s

July 1929

T eaching on G race Origin “of God.” Acts IS :40. Medium “Jesus Christ.” John 1:17. Subjects: “Believers.” Eph. 2:5. Its Purpose in Believers. 1. Salvation. Acts 15:11. 2. Justification. Rom. 3 :24. 3. Christian Growth. 2 Pet, 3 :18. 4. To establish the heart. Heb. 13:9. 5. To make strong. 2 Tim. 2:1. 6. To preach. Eph. 3 :7-8, 7. To sing. Col. 3 :16. 8. To speak. Col. 4:6. 9. Aid in suffering. 2 Cor. 12:9. 10. Help in time of need. Heb. 4:16. — o — y ----------------------------- i — — r SENTENCE SERMONS * ----- :-----------------------|---------■------ * Faith that goes forward, triumphs. — o— We can never heal the needs we do not feel. — o — Whatever God gives us to do, He gives power to do it. — o — The people who fear God most are least afraid of men. — o — God’s bread is always sweeter than the devil’s plum pudding. — o — The best key to knowledge is an open mind and a loving heart, — o — - If you cannot move earth by your speech, you may move heaven. — o — The world is not suffering so much for want of more preaching as it is for more practice. — o — It is easier to run an engine without fire than to keep up a church without a prayer meeting. — o— There are many people who think they ought to help the Lord to keep the preacher humble. — o — Hundreds of promising revivals are killed because somebody gets in too big a hurry to have them over with. — o — The pastor who tries to carry his church to heaven on his shoulders will be sure to drop the most of it. — o — It is not so much what we say as it is the convincing and convicting tones in what we say. — o — The three great books in the world are the Bible, Man, and Nature. To under­ stand the last two, you must know the first.

A Call To Rest The Church is not conspicuous by the smoothness of its brow! . . . . We look like men and women who are carrying more than we can bear. I am calling to rest for the sake of labor. I plead for a little more mysti­ cism for the sake of our enthu­ siasms. I proclaim the sacred­ ness and necessity of the cloister in the soul, the necessity of a chamber of peace, a center of calmness, a "heart at rest, when all without tumultuous seems.” Rest is the secret o f conquest, and it is to the Church there­ fore, and not to the world, that I primarily offer this evangel today: "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” •V - J owett .

T he Pierced H ea rt of Jesu s Jno. 19:32-37

Introduction. Approach this subject in utmost reverence and awe. Here we are in the holy of holies. Appreciate the text as a fulfillment of prophecy. Employ it as a means of grace as well as a mystery of faith. Remember that we are not saved by wonder even at so great a spiritual mystery. Observe that even after our Lord’s death men rudely assailed Him. 1. The Sacred Heart of Jesus was first Broken. The terrible cry on Calvary. The anguish of His mental sufferings. Reasons for that anguish. Sin, but not His own sin, broke that heart. Present-day counterpart of the histor­ ical heart. Men break His heart when they deny His deity, refuse His doctrine, reject His atonement. H. The Sacred Heart of Jesus was then Pierced. The murderous thrust that sin makes at the heart of God. The malice that maltreats a dead body. The mental and spiritual state that so expresses itself, Modern counterpart of such conduct. Confess and forsake the sin that can carry men so far in evil. III. The Sacred Heart of Jesus then Poured Forth Blood and Water. Crassamentum et serum. The preciousness of that heart is re­ vealed. Justification and sanctification are granted. “Dear dying Lamb, Thy precious blood Shall never lose its power Till all the ransomed Church of God Is saved to sin no more.” IV. The Sacred Heart of Jesus Is Still Open for You. It has always been .open. It is wide open now. By our sins we opened it. “Given and shed for you, for the re­ mission of sins.”

The C h ristian ’s Life U nder Grace 1. “Saved by Grace.” Eph. 2:9. Salvation is God’s Gift. . 2. “Standing in Grace.” Rom. 5 :2. This standing is enduring and un­ changeable. 3. Safe-keeping in Grace. 1 Pet. 1:5. Kept by the power of God. 4. Schooled under Grace. Tit. 2:11-12. Taught to live godly in this present age. 5. Scholarship by Grace. 2 Pet. 3:18; cf. John 17:3. To know Jesus Christ. 6. Speaking in Grace. Col. 4 :6. Giving a testimony to the unsaved. 7. Stewards of Grace. 1 Pet. 4:10. Serving one another. The P reach er’s Aim in P reaching C h rist Col. 1:27-28. 1. Method. A. Warn. Cf. 1 Tim. 4:1. B. Teach in all wisdom. Cf. 1 Cor. 2:13. 2. Manner A. Labor. B. Striving. 3. Goal To present every man perfect in Christ Jesus. 4. Divine Cooperation His working which worketh in me mightily. Cf. Phil. 2:13. 5. Divine Recompense That God may reveal the mystery of the Gospel—i.e., “Christ in you the hope of glory.”

“Rock of Ages, cleft for me, Let me hide myself in Thee.”

—The Expositor.

.—o— W h at to T each

gj The observance of all things com­ manded by the Lord Jesus. Matt. 28:20. 2. Those things concerning the Lord Jesus Himself. Acts 28:31. 3. To live, soberly, righteously, and godly in this present world. Titus 2:12.

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