King's Business - 1929-07


July 1929

T h e

K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s


Jew ish News Notes Albert Einstein, famous scientist and author of the relativity theory, whose theories were recently attacked by Car­ dinal O’Connell as leading towards athe­ ism, declared his faith in God in reply to a cabled inquiry from a New York Rabbi. The Rabbi, Herbert S. Goldstein, of the Institutional Synagogue, cabled to the famous scientist: “Do you believe in God ?” He was anxious, the Rabbi de­ clared, to refute the Cardinal’s charge. In reply he received the following cable­ gram from Professor Einstein in Ger­ man : “Ich glaube an Spinozas Gott der sich in gesetzlicher Harmonie des Seienden offenbart, nicht an Gott der Sich mit Schicksalen und Handlungen der Men- schen abgibt.” (I believe in Spinoza’s God who reveals Himself in the orderly harmony of what exists, not in a God who concerns Himself with facts and ac­ tions of human beings.) —o— New attacks on Jewish worshipers at the Wailing Wall were perpetrated by Moslem Arabs during the past week-end, according to a report from Jerusalem to the Jewish Telegraphic Agency. The sex­ ton who looks after the needs of the wor­ shipers at the Wall was seriously injured by a stone thrown at him. On Sunday, a joint meeting of the Vaad Leumi, repre­ sentatives of the Agudath Israel, and the Sephardic and Ashkenazic Chief Rabbis decided to submit a memorandum to the government. —o— Jewish immigrants to Palestine during the month of February numbered 378, ac­ cording to figures published in Jerusalem on May 3. The total immigration during the month was 483. During the same period there were 166 emigrants, of whom 104 were Jews. —o— The Jewish population of Palestine at the end of 1928 was estimated to be 149,- 554, according to a statement in the House of Commons by Major Ormsby-Gore, Under-Secretary of State for the Colo­ nies. Following the Armistice, the Jewish population was estimated at 55,000, he said. —o— In connection with the Haifa Harbor construction, the government of Pales­ tine has completed an arrangement with the Pica, Palestine branch of the Jewish Colonization Association, for the lease of the company’s land near Athlit, where a stone quarry will be operated for the needs of the harbor construction. The government has also completed arrange­ ments for renting the lands of the Athlit Company, where houses for the quarriers will be erected. The Rutenberg company will supply electric power for the quarry work. —o— Pope Pius XI is preparing to leave soon for a journey to Palestine, according to a dispatch from Rome to the Petit Journal of Paris. This will be the first journey of the Pope following the conclusion of the treaty with the Italian government. In Jerusalem he will be the guest of the Franciscan order.


I “TO THE JEW F IR S T ” B y D avid L. C ooper <5 fe£»taa^lte^»^aJ»C«I>»^a»teì«cW^^alCcS»^ICc^❖ ^ICc^^^lCc^»^^^^IICBW^^alf<^)Sì« ( q

great Sanhedrin fearlessly acknowledge our guilt and crave divine pardon. “ ‘Let Christian scholars of every de­ nomination also be invited to appear and present evidence and argument. Let a true and righteous judgment be rendered, regardless of the consequences.’ “The opportunity for this review and judgment, according to local men who at­ tended the meeting, is being presented now for the first time since the Roman domination of Jerusalem. “The conquest of Jerusalem by Great Britain,- said Schwayder, makes the city free once more, ‘where Jewish people may dwell in freedom and security, and where our great Sanhedrin may again assemble and render true and righteous judgments in the name of God and without the fear of men.’ ” If this movement materializes and the Sanhedrin is formed, according to the plan outlined above, the results of this deliberation cannot be other than epochal and phenomenal. It appears to the writer of this page that this movement contains within itself potent possibilities which may be used of God mightily in bringing about the eventual conversion of the na­ tion. According to Hos. 5 :1S, Israel will realize her mistake only “in their afflic­ tion." The nation will be converted and born in a day when they look upon Him whom they have pierced (Zech. 12:10). At that time, according to Isa. S3 :l-9, Is­ rael will make the confession that, though she since the crucifixion considered that Jesus was an impostor, she was mistaken in her judgment. She will then confess that He was her Messiah making atone­ ment for all men. On the other hand, according to the seventh chapter of the book of Revela­ tion, there are 144,000 Jews who are sealed from the twelve tribes of Israel and who, as it appears to the author, turn to the Lord after the Tribulation has begun, the judgments of the first six seals having come upon the world. If this San­ hedrin is formed and the case concern­ ing Jesus is given a fair, thorough, and impartial hearing, there can be but one result, namely, the pronouncement that the Jewish nation, humanly speaking, made a fearful and awful mistake in its rejection, trials (Jesus was tried three times before the Jews and three times before the Gentiles), and crucifixion. If such a verdict is rendered many among Israel will be led to investigate privately the claims of Jesus in the light of the Holy Scriptures and will be led to ac­ cept Him, even before the Tribulation, provided the verdict is rendered long enough before the day of Jacob’s trouble begins. God in His providence may use such a trial in order to bring salvation to hearts that are yearning to know the truth about the matter. Let each reader hope and pray that God may overrule in this matter and may bring salvation, through the proposed trial or any other development, to the greatest number of Hebrews possible.

Jew s P lan World-W ide Society for P urpose of Reviewing Life of Jesu s ACCORDING to an article which ap- *• Speared in the Rocky Mountain News, published in Denver, Colorado, Monday, April 29, 1929, there was a gathering of prominent Jewish laymen in the city of Denver on the night of April 28. The pur­ pose of this gathering, according to this news article, was to launch a movement which will become world-wide in its scope and which has as its objective the forma­ tion of an organization to make possible the calling together of the Jewish San­ hedrin consisting of seventy-one Jews from all over the world. It is hoped, ac­ cording to this article, that this Great Sanhedrin may meet in the city of Jeru­ salem and review the life, trial, and cru­ cifixion of Jesus. Below appear the principal paragraphs of the article: “There, they would review the life and trial of Jesus, together with the jurisdic­ tion and decrees of the Sanhedrin acting in the ancient city at the time Rome ruled the world. “The modern Sanhedrin, basing its con­ clusion on such research, would set forth Jewry’s position in relation to the founder of Christianity. S eek V indication “This body would consider these an­ cient documents and history in the light of the Holy Scriptures and the recent tremendous events arising from the World War. “For nearly 2,000 years, the Jews have been compelled to stand silent in the face of accusations holding them responsible for the trial and crucifixion of Jesus of Nazareth, Schwayder pointed out. “ ‘We should cheerfully and manfully face the issues raised by the blood accu­ sations hurled at the heads of our ances­ tors and ourselves, and carefully review and consider and give a solemn Jewish answer to the life, trial and crucifixion of Jesus of Nazareth, that marvelous Jewish son who sprang from the loins of Israel and who is the most esteemed and venerated of all men in the sight of hun­ dreds of millions of Christian people throughout the nations of the world,’ Schwayder declared. J esu s P raised “ ‘Let us also be reminded of the fact that in the very midst of the bitterest persecutions of the Jews, many of our greatest rabbis and scholars have praised the personality of Jesus, and have cer­ tified the propagation of Christianity was ordained through the providence of God, as a means of bringing our Holy Scrip­ tures and the knowledge of God to the Gentile nations of the world. “ ‘Let us diligently and honestly search for the facts, and earnestly seek to dis­ cover the evidence, and thereupon boldly announce the truth. “ ‘And if our ancestors were guilty of any crime in this matter, or violated any law or commandment of God, let the

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