King's Business - 1929-07


July 1929

T h e

K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s

One H und red More Three M inu te Serm ons B y R ev . J o h n R . G u n n This is a book that any lover of truth will enjoy. The topics treated are those uppermost in the minds of the people of today. Each talk is pregnant with thought and will prove invaluable in suggestion for sermon subjects. 152 pages. Published by Doubleday, Doran & Co., Inc. Price $1.35. This is a new book containing over one hundred Bible outlines and over 500 texts and Scripture readings. The outlines are arranged so as to enable the pastor to build up a definite program for the year, giving attention to the various seasons of the year such as Christmas, Lent,.Easter, and other special days. Before each of these special seasons there is a brief account as to the origin and significance of the particular season. 272 pages. Published by Doubleday, Doran & Co., Inc. Price $2.00. The title given above is the name of a small booklet which is true to its title. The author raises four questions and answers them. These questions briefly stated are: Why he, .a Jew, accepted Christ as his Messiah; Why Jews do not generally accept Christ; What can the Christians do to commend thè Gospel to the Jews; What is the difference between a believing and an unbelieving Jew. The author answers these questions in a very interesting and forceful manner. The booklet will be mailed to those who send four cents for postage. — o — Simplified T ru th for Y oung a n d Old B y R ichard W. L ew is , D.D. > » A book of illustrated- sermons for chil­ dren in a language they will understand. They are written in that free and easy style that will appeal to the older folks too. The author has manifested the art of getting/down to where the children live. What preacher that has preached a sermon to the children has not found that he got more commendation upon it than he has upon some of his best sermons? Try it—this book will help you. Published by Hamilton Bros. Price $1.50. — o — C h rist an d th e Bible B y G. C am pbell M organ “This study is a statement of conviction and a declaration of position. My own ministry is*based upon the conviction tjiat the Bible is the; infallible Word of God.” So states the author in the opening chap­ ter of the book. He then goes on to show his reasons for taking such a stand. Pub­ lished by Fleming Revell. Price 35 cents. Them es For V ital P reaching B etz & K rutzky — o— Why I, a Jew, Am a C h ristian B y B. A. M. S chapiro 405 Bible House, Astor Place, New York City

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5--------------------------------------— ---------------------------------------------- H O u r Literature Table WHAT TO PURCHASE AT BIOLA BOOK ROOM * " 11 1 *"•** " ■ ...... .. 58 Life I n His Name Where W isdom H ides B y D r . S. M . M iller

B y H enry H oward A few gems from the storehouse of God’s unsearchable riches in Christ Jesus. Dr. Howard, successor to the late Dr. Henry Jowett, has the gift of revealing spiritual riches with eloquent faith and in­ sight. In this book of seventeen sermons, ministers will find a wealth of sermon material abounding in spiritual truths. Published by Doubleday, Doran. Price $ 2 . 00 . — o — Bible S tories Told Again B y H oward R. G old Forty-two short Bible stories from the Old and New Testaments, of interest to the young folks. Published by Fleming Revell. Price $1.50. A very practical help to the Junior teachers. Published by The Standard Pub­ lishing Co. Sold at Biola Book Room. Price 50 cents. — o — After Its K ind (Revised Second Edition) B y B yron G N elson , T h .M. A real study in the field of evolution to meet the demand of the inquiring minds of high-school and college students. It up­ holds the Word of God and gives a sane answer to the evolutionist’s theories. The second edition of this book has been enlarged, especially in the form of illustrations, and. we predict an even wider circulation for it. than the first edition. Published by Augsburg Publishing House. Price $i.50. —P— T h e Danger of M odernism to O ur C hu rch B y S toles f A pamphlet published by Augsburg Publishing House. Price ten cents. mo— They Knew Jesu s B y E dw in M oore M artin Something different in the way of evan­ gelistic sermons. The author has selected lives of men who came in touch with Jesus Christ while He lived on earth— lives that had been transformed through their contact with Him. He tells the stories of these,individuals as they them­ selves might have told- them, if- face to face with Him- today.' In this way both the faults and good qualities of the men are made very real. It is a book that both preacher and layman will enjoy reading. Published by Funk & Wagnalls Co. Price $2.50. A New Way to T each Ju n io rs B y H azel B air

A book of meditations on Christian ex­ periences based on the Gospel of John. The author takes the vital truths from this much-loved Gospel and develops them in the light of everyday experiences. Parents and Sunday-school teachers will find this a useful book in the teaching and training of children. 248 pages; pub­ lished by Augustana B o o k Concern; price $1.00. —o— Special Day P rog ram Book No. 1. For Sunday-school and young people’s meetings nine complete programs: Easter, Missionary, Rally Day, New Year, Christ­ mas, Thanksgiving, Mother’s Day, Chil­ dren’s Day, Patriotic. Published by Gos­ pel Trumpet Co. Sold at Biola Book Room. Price 40 cents. —o— The Sadhu, a native of India, and one of the most widely known Christians in that country, was reared in a home of wealth, but upon the acceptance of Jesus Christ was made an outcast. In this book the Sadhu gives his own story and re­ cords m a n y conversations held with people of other religions. These conversa­ tions are interesting in that they reveal the inadequacy of the various religions at the vital point, and also the extent to which people will blindly follow a faith that offers no hope. Here is an example of the power of Christ manifested in one who is yielded to, our Risen Lord,; Pub­ lished by Harper & Bros, Price' $1.50. —o-r- Towering F igures Among th e P ro p h e ts B y L. O. L ineberger Here is a book that is timely. It is more than a biography. It combines history and exposition and is treated in such a way as to appeal. In each of these Old Testament proph­ ets the author has very ably set forth spiritual truths that might well be applied to our present-day needs. 181 pages; pub­ lished by The John C. Winston Co.; price $1.50. : ■ ^ o— Modern Evangelism B y R aymond W. C ooper In this volume of practical evangelistic methods, the. author lays particular stress on “Visitation Evangelism” and tells from his own experience the method and results of this effective way of reaching the lost for Christ and the Church. The volume suggests a door of oppor­ tunity to any church,-that is willing Co­ pay the; price in effort to win the lost. Published by Reyell C°- Price* $1.75. W ith a n d W ith o u t C h rist B y S a d h u S undar S in g h

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