King's Business - 1929-07


July 1929

T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

“THE SANITARY”S T . CUPS Convenient, Noiseless and Sanitary

the more the ark was lifted up to heaven. Afflictions lift up the soul to more rich, clear, and full enjoyments of God. “Be­ hold, I will bring her into the wilderness, and speak comfortably unto her” (Hos. 2:14), or rather, as the Hebrew has it, “I will earnestly or vehemently speak to her heart.” God makes afflictions to be but inlets to the soul’s more sweet and full enjoyment of His blessed self. When was it that Stephen saw the heavens open, and Christ standing at the right hand of God, but when the stones were about his ears, and there was but a short step be­ twixt him and eternity? And when did God appear in glory to Jacob, but in the day of his trouble, when the stones were his pillows, and the ground his bed, and the hedges his curtains, and the heavens his canopy? Then he saw the angels of God ascending and descending in their glittering robes.— Phillips Brooks. —o— July 24— “And Isaac went out to meditate in the fields at eventide" (Gen. 24:63). We should be better Christians if we were more alone; we should do more if we attempted less, and spent more time in retirement, and quiet waiting upon God. The world is too much with u s; we are afflicted with the idea that we are doing' nothing unless we are fussily running to and fro; we do not believe in “the calm retreat, the silent shade.” As a people, we are of a very practical turn of mind. “We believe,” as someone has said, “in having all our irons in the fire, and con­ sider the time not spent between the anvil and the fire as lost, or much the same as lost.” Yet no time is more profitably spent than that which is set apart for quiet musing, for talking with God, for looking up to heaven. We cannot have too many of these open spaces in life, hours in which the soul is left accessible to any sweet thought or influence it may please God to send.— Streams in the Desert. —o— July 25— “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God” (Matt. 5:8). My heart needs Thee, O Lord, my heart needs Thee. No part of my being needs Thee like my heart. All else within me can be filled with Thy gifts. My hun­ ger can be satisfied by daily bread. My weariness can be relieved by outward rest. But no outward thing can make my heart pure. This world has not provided for my heart. Provide Thou for my heart, O Lord. Be Thou its strength. Guide it in its gloom; help it in its conflict; direct it in . its doubt; calm it in its conflict; prompt it in its perplexity; raise it from its ruins. I cannot rule this heart of mine. Keep it under the shadow of Thy wings. — Geo. Matheson. Yes, we feel the need now of being taught to pray. At first there is no work appears so simple; later on, none that is more difficult; and the confession is forced from us, we know not how to pray as we ought. It is true that we have God’s Word, with its clear and sure promises; but sin has so darkened our minds, that we know not always how to apply the Word. In spiritual things we do not always seek the most needful July 26— “Lord, teach us to pray” (Luke 11:1).

thing, or fail in praying according to the law of the sanctuary. In temporal things we are still less able to avail ourselves of the wonderful liberty our Father has given us to ask what we need. And even when we know what to ask, how much there is still needed to make prayer ac­ ceptable. Even when we do not remem­ ber it, there is One, the Beginner and Finisher of faith and prayer, who watches over our praying, and sees to it that in all who trust Him for it their education in the' school of prayer shall be carried on to perfection. Let but the deep undertone of all our prayer be the teach­ ableness that comes from a sense of ignorance, and from faith in Him as a perfect Teacher, and we may be sure we shall be taught, we shall learn to pray in power. Yes, we may depend upon it, He teaches to pray.— Dr. Andrew Murray. July 27— “He doth not afflict willingly, nor grieve the children of men” (Lam. 3:33). How plainly do these words point to God’s own hand and God’s own purpose in the afflictions of His people! It is He who afflicts; not blind fate, not second causes, but God Himself—our Sovereign —but also our Father in Christ. The eye of God alone sees how much even the fruit-bearing branches of the true Vine need to be purged that they may bring forth more fruit. Therefore let us not wonder when we see His people deeply tried; it is a matter between God and their souls which shall one day be seen to have been the very highest proof of God’s love!— M. A. S. M. — o — July 28— “We wrestle not against flesh and blood” (Eph. 6:12). It is in the field of prayer that life’s critical battles are lost or won. We must conquer all our circumstances there. We must first of all bring them there. We must survey them there. We must master them there. In prayer we bring our spir­ itual enemies into the presence of God and we fight them there. Have you tried that? Or have you been satisfied to meet and fight your foes in the open spaces of the world ? I am trying to say in the spiritual realm what Lord Fisher once said in the realm of material warfare. He said, “Compel your enemy to fight you on your own drill ground.” Yes, indeed, and when you fight the world and the flesh and the devil on the drill ground of prayer, you have a certain victory. Let us bring our evil thoughts on to the field of prayer. Let us drag our mean judg­ ments on to the field of prayer. Let us drive our ignoble purpose on to the same field, and our insane prejudices, and our malicious practices, and our tyrannical passions. Let us fight them on our own drill ground and slay them there. Men ought always to bring their evil antago­ nisms and besetments into the presence of God. Force them into G o d ’s h o l y place and there fight and slay. Men ought always to pray, and they will not faint in the heaviest day.— Dr. J. H. Joivett. — o — July 29 —“Shall not God avenge His own elect, which cry to Him day and night?" (Luke 18:7). Blessed Master! Thou hast said that it is ‘a sign of God’s elect that they cry day and night. Oh, teach us to understand

The Individual com­ munion service per­ mits an impressive ceremony. We in­ troduced individual e u p s (many state

laws now demand them). We make the finest quality of beautiful polished trays and supply thousands of satisfied congregations. Send for list of these churches and FBEB CATALOG with quotations. SA N IT A R Y CO M M UNIO N OUTFIT CO., 500-57th St.. Rochester. N. Y. SEN T FOR T R IA L Weeping fo r the Word A MISSIONARY in southern Mindanao, Philippine Islands, writes: “In the district of Malandi the Moro priest, named Mohammed, after reading the Gos­ pel of Luke and comparing it with the Koran, told the worker who was talking with him that he was convinced that this was the true Word of God and that Jesus was the Son of God. He then wanted the whole Bible, and wept when told that it was not printed in Moro, as he could not read English or Spanish.” Widespread Evangelism C ONCERNING an evangelistic tour, the missionary writes: “On the island of Basilan we met a gentleman who had been secretary to the Sultan of Sulu. The Moro who accompanied him was given a cop>r of the Gospel of Luke in Moro. Squatting upon the wharf, he proceeded to read it, and in a few uinutes was very in­ terested. Soon he rose and made off, re­ turning shortly with several other Moros who also desired copies. In the evening meeting people listened intently to the mes­ sage. Bibles and Testaments were freely sold. Pray that the Holy Spirit may ac­ company with special enlightenment these many copies of His divine message which have been sold throughout this southern field.” The Christian and Missionary Alliance is committed to the one supreme ministry of making known the Word in many unoc­ cupied portions of the world by preaching and by the printed page. < We earnestly de­ sire your prayer fellowship and help in this important task. THE CHRISTIAN AND MISSIONARY ALLIANCE 260 West 44th Street New York, N. Y. Y OUR Opportunity to Obtaina Working Knowledge ofthe Bible

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