King's Business - 1929-07

July 1929


T h e

K i n g ' s

B u s i n e s s

this. Thou knowest how speedily we grow faint and weary. It is as if the Di­ vine Majesty is so much beyond the need or reach of continued supplication, that it does not become us to be too im­ portunate. O Lord 1do teach me how real the labor of prayer is. I know how here on earth, when I have failed in an under­ taking, I can often succeed by renewed and more continuing effort, by giving more time and thought: show me how, by giving myself more entirely to prayer, to live in prayer, I shall obtain what I ask. And above all, O my blessed Teacher, Author and Perfecter of faith, let by Thy grace my whole life be one of faith in the Son of God who loved me and gave Himself for me—in whom my prayer gains acceptance, in‘whom I have the as­ surance of the answer, in whom the an­ swer will be mine. Lord Jesus 1 In this faith I will pray always and not faint. Amen.— Dr. Andrew Murray. My God, set right the broken spring. Restore to me the joy of Thy salvation. Thou hast given me back my freedom, give me back my wings. Take away the weariness, the jadedness, that follow the hour of struggle. Heal the shrinking of the sinew that succeeds the angel’s bless­ ing. Remove the paralysis that lingers after the sorrow itself has fled. When I stand beside the fountains of living water, do Thou wipe away past tears from my eyes .—George Matheson. July 31—“Blessed be the Lord, who daily beareth our burden” (Psa. 68:19, R. V.). Never tired or out of patience, that mighty God, of whose advent the Psalm­ ist is so full, daily bends beneath our bur­ dens, and sets Himself to help us through crushing difficulties. They are unbearable to us, but to Him only a very little thing. If He taketh up the isles as a very little thing, surely your heaviest burden must be less. Oh, do not carry your burdens for a single moment longer; pass them over to Him, and do not run to and fro seek­ ing for help from man, or making men your consolers and confidants. Those who do this have their reward. But as for you, anoint your head and wash your face, so as not to excite the pity of others. “Cast thy burden on the Lord, and He will sustain thee.” But, when it has been cast, leave it with Him. Refuse to yield to anxious suggestions, and forthwith burst out into a song of thankful confi­ dence. Bless Him! Praise Him! Be glad and rejoice! When the heart is lightened of its load, it will soar.— F. B. Meyer. August 1 r~'In the morning, rising up a great while before day, he departed into a solitary place, and there prayed” (Mark 1 :35). Jesus would always find time for prayer, or make time for it. If His days were full of excitement and toil, He would take time out of His nights for communion with God. At least He never allowed Himself to be robbed of His hours of devotion. There are some Chris­ tians who think they are excused from prayer and meditation in secret, because July 30 —“God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes’’ (Rev. 7:17).

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Mastery o f the Bible Brings Power

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