King's Business - 1929-07

July 1929


T h e

K i n g ’ s

B u s i n e s s

of a regime which should restore full confidence among the friends of the Institute who were anxious concerning its future. With the Board of Trustees reorganized and unan­ imously behind the new President, Dr. W. P. White, it would seem that the Lord has most graciously answered the many prayers that have been offered. With Dr. White as President the friends of the Insti­ tute throughout the country may be assured that there will be sound and sane, as well as strongly constructive, Bible teaching and Christian training in the class rooms. Such training will send the students out with a knowledge of the Bible and how to use it for the blessing of the whole Church; and thus the original purpose of the Insti­ tute will be fulfilled. Personally I know of no man, who could be secured, who is better fitted, both by technical training and prac­ tical experience, to occupy the President’s office than Dr. White. The whole country, and especially the Pacific coast, knows him, and knowing him trusts him. I believe the Institute is now entering a period of rich spiritual prosperity which promises large things for the Lord Jesus Christ and the Church which is His Body. If my voice has any influence whatever it is raised in an appeal for constant prayer for and hearty support of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles under its present man­ agement.

My next visit took place on the invitation of my friend Dr. Reuben A. Torrey, now also with the Lord. The Institute had not yet been completed and I spoke under their auspices in the Immanuel Presbyterian Church and addressed one Sunday afternoon some 4,000 people in the Temple Auditorium. Then, on the urgent invitation of Mr. Lyman Stewart and Dr.' Torrey, I visited Los Angeles for a number of years to hold each year for the entire month of August a summer Bible Conference. I believe this was one of the greatest things in Bible teaching I have been permitted to do. My last visit brought, on Sundays, audiences morn­ ing, afternoon and evening, which ran into the thousands, and the week night services of constructive and progres­ sive Bible teaching secured greater audiences than ever before known in the Institute. Then came the anxious times, when things seemed to slip. There is no need of going into details. Having, been so intimately associated with the founder of the Institute and having enjoyed such blessings in ministry, it is need­ less to say deep sorrow filled my heart, and many prayers ascended to the throne of grace that the threatening col­ lapse might be avoided. These prayers, and the prayers of hundreds of others have now been answered. It was good news to my heart when I heard that my old friend, Dr. W. P. White, had accepted the presidency of the Los Angeles Bible Institute. He is the right man in the right place, both as the head of the Institute and as editor of T h e K in g ’ s B u s in e s s . He is sound in every way and a strong believer in all the great truths of the Bible, including the prophetic-dispensational t r u t h s which of late have been attacked and maligned by imma­ ture teachers. Dr. White and the new management has therefore my earnest prayers and my best wishes. For a time it was im­ possible for me to recommend the work of the Institute on account of existing conditions. It has once more my heartiest endorsement and if it should please the Lord to use me in any other way to bring back the old times of blessing, I would greatly rejoice. Yours as always,

F rom M r . S id n e y T. S m it h Winnipeg , Canada I was delighted to hear of your appointment as Presi­ dent of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. The situation in Los Angeles is such as to demand tactful and kindly, and yet faithful and firm handling. When troubles arise such as this, people get worked up to extremes and it needs a steady hand to guide affairs in such circumstances. These qualifications you undoubtedly have, and, added to them, your knowledge and experience and your reputation and standing as a Bible teacher, make a combination which I feel confident the Lord will bless and own.

F rom B is h o p B e a l , o f F ir s t B a p t is t .C h u r c h o f T u c s o n , A r iz o n a I am glad to bear testimony to my faith in the Bible Institute of Los Angeles. For many years 1 have been convinced that the Bible Institute movement is of God, raised up of Him in protest to the barrenness of many of our theological seminaries. Because of the fact that great stress is laid upon Bible study, personal prayer, and evangelism, these schools have been the especial object of Satan’s attack. All of them have had their problems in one way and another, and Biola has not been free from them. Through1the trying months I have prayed most earnestly that victory for the truth of the Gospel would come to that great school. I feel sure that God has answered the; multiplied thousands of prayers offered in behalf? of that lighthouse and training station.

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F r om T h e E d it o r o f “ O u r , H o p e ” My first visit to Los Angeles was made in 1904, that is twenty-five years ago this fall. Mr. Ralph D, Smith of the Los Angeles Bible House had rented a hall on Broad­ way, and for a week I spoke there twice daily. One of the faithful attendants was the late Lyman Stewart, of pre­ cious, memory. He became so deeply interested that he fol­ lowed me to San Francisco to attend the meetings there. It was at this time that he had the first vision of a great BiblerInstitute for Los Angeles.

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