Millennial Dawn 123 first resurrection” (Rev. 20:4-6). In both cases eternal doom, irreparable and indescribable, falls upon the impenitent and ungodly who rejected Christ in this world and life. Moreover, the judgment before the Great White Throne is expressly said to follow the thousand years: “But the rest of the dead lived not again until the thousand years were finished” (Rev. 20:5); “The rest of the dead” include all who have no part in the first resurrection. Mr. Russell labors vigorously to cast doubt on the genuineness of Rev. 20:5. He seeks to negate its witness, for it squarely contradicts his theory that all the dead who share not in the first resurrection will be raised at the beginning of the Thousand Years, and they will then be given the opportunity to repent and be saved. But as usual he is quite wrong. He stands alone in his rejec- tion of the verse. Every critical Greek text from Griesbach to Nestle and Swete (1907) retains the words, nor does one of these scholars cherish the slightest suspicion of its integrity. 9. Two other errors of this vicious system can be no more than mentioned, not expanded, by reason of the limits to which this paper must needs be confined. One of these, the ninth error, essential and fundamental in Christianity, is the Person and work of the Holy Spirit. There is a strange and ominous silence regarding this most important subject very apparent in the writings of Mr. Rus- sell. A careful reading of these volumes comprising more than a thousand pages has discovered but one solitary refer- ence to the Spirit; it is a casual mention of the Spirit in con- nection with the Day of Pentecost. The statement is simply made as a historical fact, or rather as an event which marks a stage in the development of the Christian Church. Not one word of teaching has the writer found in Millenial Dawn as to the distinct personality of the Spirit, or as to His supreme agency in the salvation of sinners. To Him is ascribed in the Bible the regeneration, sanctification and spiritual erowth of
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