The Fundamentals - 1910: Vol.7

26 The Fundamentals prophecies are the voice of the Lord. From the Spirit came the gift of tongues. All Scripture is profitable since it is inspired of God. The Scriptures, whether in History, Proph- ecy, Psalms or Law, are of God. They cannot stand in part and fall in part. They are from God, who spake them all.” “As it was not the Apostles who spoke, but the Spirit of the Father in them, so it is the Spirit that speaks in all Scriptures”. “I t avails nothing what I say, what he says, but what saith the Lord”. Prof. B. B. Warfield, of Princeton Theological Seminary, said in an article, on The Westminster Doctrine of Inspira- tion : “Doubtless enough has been said to show that the con- fession teaches precisely the doctrine which is taught in the private writings of the framers, which was also the General Protestant Doctrine of the time, and not of that time only or of the Protestants only; for despite the contrary asser- tion that has recently become tolerably current, essentially this doctrine of inspiration (verbal) has been the doctrine of the Church of all ages and of all names.” There is nothing truer in the world than that both the Jewish Church and the Christian Church believed the doc- trine, because of their conception of the Holy Scriptures as the result of the “Creative Breath of ¡God,” even as matter itself, the soul of man, and the worl4,. were created by the same “Breath of the Almighty" —t he "very conception Paul had when he said, “Every Scripture is God-breathed!” The pervasive evidence of verbal inspiration stares one in the face at the opening of every page of the Bible. I t is not a “few texts”, here and there, on which it depends, but it " stands” rooted in the whole body of the Word of God. He who knows what the Jews understood by the expression, “the Oracles of God”, a divinely oracular Book, different from every other—a Book of God’s own “Testimony”—w ill know that no other conception of its contents could prevail than this, that it was “divinely inspired", having “God" as

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