
is a full line of eateries. And summer is the

“Hawkesbury? Sure I’ve heard of

best time to indulge in guilty pleasures.

Hawkesbury. That is the port out there in

Do your taste buds tingle at the mere

the Maritimes.”

mention of poutine? Do you get all hot


when you imagine the scrumptious texture


of the perfect fried potato?

is a wonderful place, to visit. But do you

Seriously, if you could bottle the


tantalizing combination of the smell of

that there is also a Hawkesbury in Ontario?

French fries, fried onions and vinegar, you

Of course not, because confusion can lead

be reading this column while someone was

to an opportunity, a chance to explain to an

Identity problem

fanning you, as you lounged on the beach,

outsider just how much Hawkesbury has

on your own private tropical island.

to offer.

simply looking for some variety to spice up

Visions of all sorts abound at this time of

While you are compiling your list of why

You may be thinking of going to the

your life, local farmers’ markets are just

year, particularly if you have access to a

you love Hawkesbury, the rest of us will


about reaching their prime.


move along and start preparing for the

One highly anticipated event that is

Not long ago, Ontario agriculture

show is projected on the nights when we

official arrival of summer.

bound to make waves is the July 6, 7 and 8

minister Ted McMeekin toured Prescott-

are not being bombarded by severe storms.

Of course, the season effectively arrived

Ottawa River Festival, that is taking place

Russell, preaching to the converted about

Have you noticed that “weather events”

long ago. There are ripe strawberries to be

in the many waterfront municipalities in

the merits of supporting local producers.

have turned particularly violent and

picked; wild birds are already having their


It is encouraging to note that a recent

dangerous lately?

second broods; you have been mowing the

Check out www.festivalprescott-

survey of households in Ontario showed

Unfortunately, despite all the best plans,

lawn every three days; and parts of the

that 92 per cent of consumers preferred to

the weather can singlehandedly wipe out

garden are reaching mid-July status.

This is one of the few activities in this

buy meat, fruit and vegetables that come


Now that the National Hockey League

district that involve several municipalities.

fromOntario farms. “They said that Ontario

have to make hay while the sun shines.

season is finally over, we have one less

Remember that this time last year everyone

produce is the most nutritious, the best-


reason to watch TV.

was getting pumped up about the

tasting, and the safest in the world,” he said.

your radio to a big-city station, and listen to

With apologies to the few Devils’ and

International Plowing Match and Rural

Still, there is more work to be done on the

the reports about traffic jams. And now

Kings’ supporters around here, the playoffs

Expo in Chute-à-Blondeau. That turned

PR front.

consider the lack of congestion on the roads

lost their interest for most avid fans weeks

out to be a huge success. A key to that

“The farmers have been saying to me

in this region, where we are ten minutes


success was the massive cooperative effort

and my staff team here that we need to

away from everything. Remember to

There was some hockey-related

mustered by the various movers and

continue to tell our story,” he said, “because

mention that the next time you meet

excitement when the Canadiens were still

shakers in this district.

it’s a good story, that the Ontario Foodland

somebody seeking directions to the port.

looking for a new head coach. But that all

If organizers of the river festival can get

brand is a good brand, that it’s a strong

fizzledwhenBobHartleywas named bench

everyone to row in the same direction, this

springboard for us to do more on the

Church opens


no doubt will be a hit as well. And if this

education front, and to have more people

Flames. Legions of Habs’ and Senators’

cooperative movement can be maintained

The new Centre Chrétien Viens et Vois


fans are no doubt rushing out to buy Flames

and carried over to other region-wide

location at 429 Mary St., Hawkesbury will

most nutritious, safest food in the world.”

paraphernalia. Sorry. Bad joke.

celebrations, the future for tourism

be inaugurated Saturday, June 16 at 10:30

It is time to start stocking up because

With the impending approach of

development in the area looks promising.

a.m. The program includes welcoming

unofficial party season will soon be kicked


As Hawkesbury Mayor René



reasons to be happy — school will soon be

Berthiaume has noted, awareness of the

of the congregation by Line Lacroix,

Apart from your own personal social

out, boats have returned to the water, pools

economic potential of the river, one of our

addresses by MP Pierre Lemieux and

calendar, you have St-Jean-Baptiste,

and tennis courts are open again, golf

most valuable resources, ought to lead a

HawkesburyMayor René Berthiaume and

Canada Day, and Multiculturalism Day,

courses are absolutely gorgeous, fire flies

greater awareness of the fragility of the

a guided tour. The new premises are

plus all of the other festivities that are held

dance inmeadows, butterflies are abundant

watershed, and the need to protect it.

located in the former L’Ascension church

in communities of all sizes across eastern

and you can hear the crops growing.

The Ottawa is a great place to chill on a

which the group recently bought. The

Ontario and western Québec.


lazy hazy day.

former Centre Chrétien Viens et Vois

Sit back, kick back, relax and think of

If you do not grow your own, or are

At the risk of sounding like a PR hack,

location on Lansdowne Street is being

your favourite summertime outing.

one of themany attractions inHawkesbury

converted into condominiums.



Hawkesbury (Ontario)

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