DallasHR 2019 Community Report


What a fantastic start we had in 2019! Celebrating 80 years of DallasHR and asking our members for the top 80 reasons #whyijoinedDHR. Our members came through

when the decision was made to increase DallasHR educational opportunities to full day workshops and increase Collin County meetings to half day workshops. The strategy is intended to provide our membership with the educational opportunities

with a deluge of reasons for Dal- lasHR membership, like reason #62, “You’ll network with other HR professionals.” Or reason #28, “It’s a local resource for recertification credits.” Or how about reason #1, “You’ll advance the value of HR.” Speaking of 80 years old, did you know that DallasHR is 9 years old- er than SHRM? Our board of directors recog-

they desire. Whether it’s an online course, a luncheon, or a full day of earning certification credits, DallasHR is committed to be the premier resource for advancing and connecting the regional HR community. It has been a privilege to serve as the 2019 President of DallasHR

nized the momentum we were enjoying and wanted to see that momentum build throughout the year. Our theme was leadership and ser- vice and our focus was a strategic effort to keep DallasHR moving forward, and the results are amazing. How about on demand online education! DallasHR partnered with the HR Education Network and now offers an ever-growing list of sessions on demand. What a complement to our existing HRSouthwest Conference content. Membership continued to reach historic heights in 2019 and I expect the growth to con- tinue in 2020 and beyond. DallasHR continued bringing premier education opportunities with half day workshops in Dallas and educational luncheons in Collin County throughout the year. Our last major effort came near the end of 2019

and it’s a year I’ll never forget. But our year could not have been successful without our hard-working staff and amazing volunteers. Thank you all for making this year a success. Our Executive Director, Brad Shanklin, asked a question at our 80-year celebration in 2019. He said, “In 1939, at that first meeting, I wonder where that small group of personnel managers thought this organization might go?” I won- der…what will DallasHR look like in 2099?

Mark Waller, PHR, SHRM-CP President, DallasHR


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