The other thing with some of these background videos is they had clipped angles to them, the videos would have a clipped shape. We ran into clip-path issues. My initial implementation used clip-path, and the problem that I had with clip-path was that, for whatever reason, on Chrome, it was a little jankier than the rest. Maybe clip-path wasn't optimized for constantly changing content like a video background, and so the scrolling would kind of flicker and lag at the edges. Similar to Edge, but a different effect. I ended up using canvas to basically... I used the canvas blend modes to kind of do some compositing to clip out the shapes that we needed.
Anything else recently on scrolling?
You know how the iPad Pros have that nice, fast 120Hz screen? requestAnimationFrame will max out at 60fps even on the iPad Pro. You have to be really obsessive to notice it, like I am, but I did notice that when you're scrolling, certain elements would not... the transitions were not as smooth than the screen was scrolling, because they were running at 60fps, while the page scroll itself was running at 120fps. Most people wouldn't notice, but it did bug the hell out of me. It is an open bug, I did see an open bug on WebKit forums, so maybe that will come at some point.
With Babel and preset-env available, it kind of polyfills things that aren't there, so I didn't notice anything. I'm very grateful that the Babel team has made those types of incompatibilities a worry of the past, because everything gets polyfilled automatically.
I did notice an inconsistency, and I'm not sure what the spec should be. As I mentioned before, I was doing video compositing using the canvas blend modes. I noticed that what I had layered various images or shapes with blend modes, the behavior was different between Firefox and Chrome & Safari. My gut feeling is Firefox probably sticks closer to the standard and that Chrome probably inherited WebKit's quirks in that area. But there were
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