
You mentioned Safari on mobile, flex with vertical positioning. Do you remember hitting anything like that recently, where you had to find a workaround?

I remember, but wasn't able to fix it, so I had to get rid of Flexbox, finally, and apply table displays for what I wanted to achieve. But it wasn't Safari mobile, it was desktop.

So you wanted to use Flexbox to vertically position?

The layout was: everything was vertically centered in the layout, the whole content, and it had to be always centered in the screen, in the browser, and I couldn't use Flexbox for that. I also think we normally tend to use Flexbox for things that it's not intended for, and I think that's because we didn't have CSS Grid until now, until very recently. So we didn't have a real layout way...


Do you use Grid now?

Yes, we're starting to use it right now. I think it's kind of becoming stable right now, all browsers have implemented CSS Grid. I don't think you can use it for every kind of layout, either, it depends on the layout you want to implement, but it's really useful. And it behaves correctly, I think that's been one of the great things, because every vendor has implemented that, and that's been like a success for us. Because you're sure you can use it and you're not going to have big issues with it. So that is great, yes.

Magic wand question

Maybe this isn't going to sound very good, but I wish there was only one browser for everything. That would be less time for me testing, testing, and testing. But there has to be some kind of... when there's several people working on the same thing, that's a good thing. I mean, the other way would be like a dictatorship or something like that.

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