
Mobile browser compatibility regardless to when I'm trying to set the web page height to 100% (or flex stretch, or via JavaScript window.innerHeight). This is because of browsers top/bottom native UI bars inconsistency (which appear/disappear on scrolling). The treatment of viewport units, especially on mobile devices. For desktop: 100vw includes vertical scrollbar width, therefore nigh unusable esp. for windows because it causes hor. scrollbar (often not recognized by developers on macs) For mobile: treatment of 100vh and browser GUI is a PITA. Touch screen devices are problematic. There are bugs but also it would be handy to have more control of display of keyboard, etc. See also ● Virtual Keyboard API​ , a proposal for changing the interaction between the virtual keyboard and the viewport size on mobile. The “more control of display of keyboard” in the above quote is likely about this, but it didn’t come up in interviews like we ​ had expected​ . Scrolling A few different types of scrolling-related issues came up in the survey and interviews: ● The effect of shrinking/hiding URL bar when scrolling on mobile devices on the viewport size. Developers sometimes hardcode the expected height of the URL, which is a risky approach. Some of this is covered in the ​ viewport section​ . ● Difficulties controlling native scroll, sometimes falling back to using JavaScript instead. This includes overscroll behavior, scroll snapping, etc. ● Differences in behavior or support for scrolling-related APIs like scrollIntoView. In response to these findings, Chrome’s ​ input team​ did some ​ investigation of scroll behavior​ , confirming that there are indeed many differences between mobile browsers.

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