Part of our product team thought that we were supporting IE much more than we were. So it kind of just quietly happened where we were like: "so this is bad, and we're not going to worry about it." I used to work at a company where I worked on internal apps for a large company, and our IT department enforced IE11 on all machines and that was the only browser we were allowed to use. So unfortunately my knowledge of IE11's issues is pretty large just because I had to support so much in IE11.
Unfortunately IE11, last I checked, is still at like 1.7% in the US which is just really sad, but hopefully someday it drops to a pretty low number.
Anything for IE in the last 4 years? Workaround?
All the Flexbox gotchas that IE has are pretty frustrating, and I'm intimately aware of many of them. This is actually the first time I've not had to support IE in my career, so it's pretty nice. A lot of the flex issues were around height and flex-grow or flex-shrink. Just simple things like explicitly setting a height on the flex child would fix the issues. I think the other things are just things like IE doesn't do CSS variables. So if you want to do any reactivity with just CSS, it's not easy.
Fortunately it's pretty good these days. Like I said, we support pretty much the last two major versions of any major browser, so, JavaScript is in a state where it's pretty solid, I would say. We do use polyfills for things that are not supported and that's managed by our build system. We have the Typescript compiler adding in its polyfills. A lot of that is just handled by our build system. I forget the technical term for them, but we are using the question marks before object property access, that's an explicit polyfill that we import in our project. But by and large I think most of the JavaScript we're using is pretty standard now, it's pretty well supported.
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