but even in other browsers you see a lot of differences. This is something you face almost on a daily basis. You know your way around it, especially with IE11 after a while. But I think there are still some bugs that remain, even in modern browsers.
How do you generally work around differences that IE11 doesn't support modern things?
It really depends on the design, on the client. For this one startup, because of a lot of clients from the bank industry, think they had 7-8% IE11 users. We did everything in the most painful way, built everything to work exactly in every browser. With the latest relaunch of the site we finally switched to let's call it "graceful degradation" or "progressive enhancement", that's how we handle it now. If something's too complicated to get it built in IE11 with Flexbox, then we had compositions of images that were dynamic and responsive and stuff like that. We used to build everything pixel perfect, now we don't do it anymore.
How about CSS Grid?
Simple grids work in IE11 as well, it's often much easier to do things even without having all the latest grid features available. For other projects I'm starting to transition to grid layout. I wouldn't say I use it 100%, Flexbox also has its use cases. I think back then I avoided using Grid, I still try to get around it especially with older devices in mind. A lot of people in my family actually still use an iPhone 4S. I know a lot of non-technical people who just don't care and I think it's fine. Those people shouldn't be left behind. It's not IE11. Maybe IE11 even holds back the web a bit in terms of what features are used. I think a lot of older smartphones maybe also profited from that, you know, because they're no longer supported and get software updates. I'm a bit afraid this will change now that IE11 is about to die.
Participant 4
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