2024 UNK Today


12 | Saturday, August 24, 2024 

UNK students participate in a cooking class during a recent study abroad trip to Italy. COURTESY‌PHOTOS

UNK students capture the beauty of Italy during a recent study abroad trip.

laugh. “I had no idea they ate dinner so late. I’m like a 5, 5:30 dinner kind of person, so waiting until later, I’m like, ‘OK, I am starving.’” These cultural differ- ences are another part of the learning process. “We really want students to get outside of their com- fort zones, because that’s where the growth really happens,” Nelson said. “By opening their eyes to these experiences, they gain a “It’s an experience unlike any that you would ever get here in the United States because of how old those buildings are compared to the U.S.” Rebecca Nelson, UNK associate professor

better understanding of people and the world we live in. And their own per- spectives can shift based on those experiences.” Nelson hopes this trip in- spires participants to pur- sue even more international travel moving forward, and she already has a spokes- person spreading the word to fellow Lopers. Carnahan plans to pitch the opportu- nity to all her friends. “I feel like other stu- dents should study abroad just to experience some- thing different,” Carnahan said. “Our daily life here in Nebraska can start to feel the same. We see the same sorts of people every day. But when you travel abroad, you get to interact with and meet these really amaz- ing people. You can intake those experiences and bring them back here, and it really opens your mind up to new possibilities.”

Italy From 11

Colosseum, Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore and Palazzo Pitti, a late 15th century palace that houses several important muse- ums, were among the fea- tured stops. Laura Carnahan, a UNK sophomore from La Vista, shares Morrow’s reason- ing for choosing this study abroad program. “I wanted to go experi- ence a different culture and really immerse myself in it,” she said. “It was very inter- esting to see how people live their lives over there.” Plus, Carnahan is study- ing visual communication and design with a minor in marketing/management, so she learned things that apply directly to her future career. “It was very eye-opening to see that design has mul- tiple definitions depend- ing on where you are in the world,” Carnahan said. “As a graphic designer, I can draw inspiration from this experience and put that

The Colosseum in Rome was among the many stops during a recent UNK study abroad trip to Italy.

into my work.” One of her favorite parts of the trip was visiting Lake Como, a picturesque area in the foothills of the Alps, and the small village of Varenna, which is known for its el- egant villas and botanical gardens. “That was probably the most beautiful area that I was in the whole time we were there, because the flowers were all in bloom,” she said. “It was such a cozy town.”

Carnahan and Morrow both discovered some sur- prising things about the Italian people during their three weeks in the country. Mainly, their personalities are much more laid-back compared to Americans and they’re definitely not early risers. Classes didn’t start until 10 a.m., lunch was around 2 or 3 p.m. and dinner isn’t served until 9 or 10 p.m. “That really threw me for a loop,” Morrow said with a

SUNDAY MORNING SERVICE TIMES 9:15 am Sunday School (for all ages) • 10:30 am - Worship WEDNESDAY EVENINGS (During the school year) 6:30 pm - Kingdom Kids (K-5th grade) 6:30 pm - Momentum (MS/HS students) • Celebrate Recovery 6:30 pm - 8 pm. Offering a family meal for those attending youth group, kingdom kids or celebrate recovery starting at 6 pm. Countryside Christian Church 3203 8th Ave • Kearney, NE 68845 • 308-236-5916 countrysidechristian1@gmail.com • www.countrysidekearney.com

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