Sumitomo General Catalog 2025-2026

MultiDrill Series MDM Series


RX-Thinning & Wide Chip Pocket For Stable & Light Cutting Force

D New Bean Jet Cooling® provides longer tool life in Stainless and Exotic Alloys. D Optimized for chip evacuation and heat removal. D Resistant to edge chipping.


Contours deect coolant uniformly over the rake face with good conservation of pressure.

*Ideal for drill diameters of ø4.1mm and above

D High volume & High Pressure cooling to the cutting edge


More than double the volume!


D Resistant to edge chipping - Removing excess heat from rake face dramatically reduces adhesion & breakage.

D New technology developed from fluid analysis effectively cools the cutting edge!



Areas with low flow rate

MDM oil hole

Conventional oil hole

Less adhesion means longer tool life

Breakage caused by adhesion at outer edge

Part Material: 304 Stainless Steel, Machine: BT30 vertical M/C Tool: MDM0800S08H05 ( ø8 mm × 5D) Cutting Conditions: vc= 265 SFM, f= .0098 IPR H= 1.57” (through hole) Internal Coolant Supply (Water Soluble) Cutting Distance: 1.57”

Analysis at spindle speed 3,200min -1

Low ow rate

High ow rate


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