Fyzical_Relieving Your Neck Pain


Are you suffering from Neck Pain caused by sleeping positions or other issues? (479) 855-9348 START FEELING BETTER TODAY

There is one more factor that often is not spoken about, but it’s a frequent cause of neck pain and discomfort: sleeping issues. Sometimes, sleeping in a certain position or sleeping on a mattress or pillow that is too soft or too hard will lead to neck pain. Oftentimes, this pain will appear to be chronic, as the sleeping issue is likely something that you experience day after day, causing the pain to return regularly.

It may be helpful to rule out sleeping concerns as a reason behind your neck pain by assessing your sleeping conditions and making any changes that you think may be necessary. Adjust how many pillows you sleep on, the position you sleep in or even your mattress!

Exercise Essential

Technology Spotlight The Industry Gold Standard for Over 30Years Computerized Dynamic Posturography (CDP)

ComputerizedDynamicPosturography (CDP) comprisedof the SensoryOrganizationTest (SOT),MotorControlTest (MCT) andAdaptationTest (ADT)protocols is the standardof care for the assessment and treatmentofpatientswith balance,dizziness andmobilityproblems.BecauseCDP can identify andquantify the sensory (visual,vestibular and somatosensory) andmotor functions involved inbalance control, the informationobtainedprovides an efficientmeans ofunderstanding yourpatients’balancedeficits and can effectivelyguide your treatmentplanning. We Now Offer Computerized Dynamic Posturography (CDP) • Concussion Man gement/Traumatic Bra n Injury • Fall Prevention - Older Adults

Helps Alleviate Neck Pain

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CHIN TUCK SUPINE Lie with roll under neck. Without lifting head, tuck chin gently. Keep the large muscles in the neck relaxed.

CDP testing efficiently isolates and quantifies the impairments underlying your patients’ balance problems. This impairment information is used to focus treatment on specific problems,effectively addressing deficits leading to improved outcomes.

Practical CDP results can be used by multiple disciplines to guide treatment decision-making and provide superior case management to patients with balance andmobility disorders. CDP can identify your specific visual and motor functions and how they work together to keep you balanced. The information that CDP gathers helps your therapist understand the best path of treatment. This helps you become mobile and balanced much faster than traditional tests. Proven NeuroComCDP test protocols have a 30 year record of clinical use supported by peer- reviewed research. Only with NeuroCom Dynamic Systems ComputerizedDynamicPosturography


Balance assessmenton NeuroCom SMART EquiTest ®

including the SOT,MCT andADT is availableonlyon NeuroCom EquiTest ® ,SMART EquiTest andClinical Research Systemsproducts.

Regain Mobility and Balance With CDP A Safe Effective Treatment Method Call (479) 855-9348 today!


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