good would all of the rest have been? Scripture tells us that we are first to provide for our own. This means spirit ually as well as economically. Is your home as it ought to be? Remember, if it is not, we have adequate resources in our Saviour. He will forgive and cleanse us if we purpose from this day forward that our homes shall be filled with divine intention so that our chil dren may grow in the grace and knowl edge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. There is nothing on earth com pared to a Godly home. It is a fore taste of heaven. It is the place the Lord intended for us to live in with joy and in Chiistlikeness. May the Lord’s con tinued blessing and benediction rest upon it to this end. TRUE WISDOM When studying history, we are made aware that all of life in every age is actually “HIS story.” We study geo graphy to point others to the river of life and to the city whose builder and maker is God. Geology is important for it shows us that we need to plant our feet solidly upon the Rock of Ages. The study of botany reveals the sweet influence of the Rose of Sharon and the L ily of the Valley. Astronomy points out the Bright and Morning Star, the Lord Jesus Christ. Psychology serves to reveal that the Saviour alone knows the innermost thoughts of men. In the study of philosophy we cannot help but see that the highest form of life is that which is lived by the Christian. As the Word of God assures us, “the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom!” THE DRUGGIST'S ANSWER TO PRAYER No testimonies concerning prayer are more thrilling than that of the druggist who, while he had been reared in a Christian home, had for some reason become embittered about the Gospel message. He seemed to disbelieve every thing he had ever heard about the Bible. One evening, just before he closed up his store, a little girl, tim idly entered. Wanting to get home he im
patiently asked, “Well, what do you want?” This frightened the girl even more. Hesitatingly she stuck opt her hand which had a slip of paper in it. “Please sir, my mother is sick. W ill you get her this medicine?” He abrupt ly took the prescription, went to his chemicals in the back, and hurriedly filled the order. She was quickly sent on her way. Turning to put the bottles back in their places, preparing to leave for the night, he was horror stricken. He checked again to make absolutely sure. Yes, it was true. He had made a terri ble mistake. W ith an error in just one compound, he had given the girl, not medicine, but poison. To make matters worse, the little child had gone and he had no name or address. Cold perspira tion broke out from every pore on his body. He faced the realization that he would be nothing more than a murder er if the woman took the medicine. What was there to do? Instinctively and impulsively he fell to his knees and prayed, “O God, don’t let that poor woman take the medicine. I know I’ve turned my back on You all these years but help me just this once. It’ll be dif ferent. You’ll see. But help me just now!” He repeated this several times hardly able to move. Just then the door opened and he quickly got up to see the same little girl, now tears freely running down her cheeks~ “Please, mister. Don’t be mad at me. I’m sorry. I was in such a hurry to get home to my mommy to help her with the medicine that I fell down and broke the bottle. Please mis ter, won’t you give me some more for my mOmmy?” The druggist w e n t around the counter, embraced the child and assured her, “Sweetheart, of course I’ll give you more! Don’t cry. I f l l take me just a minute.” Glowing with won der at what God had done, even while he prayed, the druggist went home that night with a new-fourid joy in his heart, and a personal realization of the Lord Jesus Christ. How wonderful the assurance of God’s Word, “Call upon me in the day of trouble and I will deliver thee.” 26
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