Biola Broadcaster - 1964-02

Q. Ford Ord, California — “Isn’t it un- scriptural and unnecessary for pastors, evangelists and other Christian workers to attend a seminary? The New Testa­ ment Christians didn’t have to.” A. No, it is not absolutely essential. It certainly is, however, very advan­ tageous and desirable. Paul, before he ever became a Christian, received the very highest theological education available in his day. The Lord used him possibly to a greater extent than any other human being has ever been used. God does not put a premium on a lack of proper education in the held of theology. We have had many of our own graduates from the Bible Institute course come back and take added train­ ing in Biola College or Talbot Theo­ logical Seminary knowing of what greater use they may be able to make out of their lives through such valued training. Q t Vancouver, British Columbia — “In Jewish writings or traditions is there any reference to the veil being rent in the temple of Jerusalem after Christ’s death on the cross?” A. No, there is not. This is a point about which contempory authors are strangely silent. If anything was writ­ ten an explanation would be necessary. The fact is never stated. Q. “If the Bible is to be the Christian’s sole authority, why are there so many other books written for Christians?” A. The Bible is the final authority, the only infallible rule of faith and prac­ tice. There are more books written about it than any other subject which engages the attention of mankind. Sometimes a man has an inordinate desire to get something in writing to thrust on the public. On the other 27

Q. Colorado Springs, Colorado — “Please explain why there is nothing in the Bible mentioning pergatory or com­ munion between the living and the dead? Doesn’t the account Jesus gives of the rich man in hell prove it’s im­ possible for a living person to help one who is dead?” A. There is widespread belief in cer­ tain religious systems that there is an intermediary place for the departed dead, however, there is nothing in the Bible to give an indication that such is true. “It is appointed unto men once to die, and after this the judgment.” When a believer dies he goes immedi­ ately into the presence of the Lord. When an unbeliever dies, he goes to hades where he awaits the final judg­ ment. There is a resurrection of the condemned as well as the redeemed. Q . San Francisco, California — “Where is the Trinity indicated in the Old Testa­ ment aside from ‘us’ used in Genesis?” A. In Genesis 1:26 there is the state­ ment, “And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness.” The plural is again found in Genesis 3:22 and in 11:6. In Isaiah 53:6 there is the indication of more than one person in the Godhead. “The Lord hath laid on him.” In Psalm 22:15 are the words, “Thou hast brought me.” Here it is the Father being spoken to by the Messiah in His death. “My God, my God why hast thou forsaken me?” Isaiah 48:16 is a passage where all three members of the Trinity are in­ cluded. “Come ye near unto me, hear ye this; I have not spoken in secret from the beginning; from the time that it was, there am I: And now the Lord God, and his Spirit, hath sent me.” It is the One, the Lord Jesus Christ, with whom there was no beginning for He always was.

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