Biola Broadcaster - 1964-02

ment of the Jews?” A. In Genesis 12:3 we read a part of the Abrahamic covenant which states, “And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.” There are a number of reasons why God blesses or condemns nations. When it comes to the Jewish people, however, I would say that it is still very true. A look at what hap­ pened to Hitler’s Germany gives us something of an indication. This is not on the basis of the merit of an individual in Israel today. It is still because of God’s unconditional promise to Abraham. Matthew 25:31-46 shows us that in a coming day, when our Lord Jesus Christ judges individuals among the nations of the earth, it will be, “Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren.” Q . Phoenix, Arizona — “Do you think it’s really necessary to continue the production of new Bible translations? Don’t we have enough already?” A. Some new Bible translations would be better not having seen the light of day. Some detract from the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ and are not writ­ ten with enough reverence. While some new Bible translations are not really necessary, that does not mean we shouldn’t have any. Whether we have an abundance already depends on what you think is enough. People who don’t believe the Bible at all, believe even one Bible translation is too many. Man is striving to get as close as he can to the “inner kernel” of the Word. We encourage a reverent, scholarly and spiritual study of the original texts for truths which will guide men into eter­ nal life and so that believers may be built up on the most holy faith. Q . San Luis Obispo, Calif. — “Does being a missionary require three years of college?”

reason or logic. They told about a cer­ tain woman marrying a man who died so she married his brother to prevent the name from being blotted out. In the final analysis she married all seven brothers who had died in succession. 'In the resurrection, in which they did not believe, they wanted to know whose wife she would be. The Lord rebuked them for their error. When we refer to God it is in relation to that which is unchangeable. There is an unbreak­ able permanent association. E v e n though Abraham had physically died, he was still in direct relationship with the Lord. The same is true with the others mentioned. These saints were alive spiritually and therefore go on for eternity. Q , Corona, Calif. — “W hy do you feel God w ill send a person to hell who has never had the opportunity of hear­ ing of Jesus Christ? Don’t you think that He w ill allow every man to at least have the opportunity of hearing?” A. One correction needs to be made in that statement. God never sends any person to hell. One determines to go there by his own will. God merely pronounces the sentence. God has made provision whereby man does not have to go to hell. Hell was actually prepared for the devil and his angels, not primarily for man. Read the first and second chapters of Romans for the answer. In the 12th verse of chap­ ter two we read, “For as many as have sinned without law shall also perish without law.” Verse 14 also gives us help on this question. Those who have never heard of the Lord Jesus Christ are condemned, not because of their relationship to Him, but because they have sinned outside of the law; they have sinned against the law that was written in their own hearts. It is our responsibility to get this message of the wonderful grace of Jesus Christ out to a world that stands condemned by those perfect standards.

Q. Walla Walla, Washington — “Is God’s A. In many areas of the missionary blessing or cursing of men and na- field there are workers who have never lions today still based on their treat- had any college training. In this day 29

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