Biola Broadcaster - 1964-02

and age of specialization, however, it is increasingly important for mission­ aries to have all of the training they can possibly get here in the home land. Four or five years of Bible college training is certainly desirable. Actual­ ly, there is no type of training you can get that will not be of value to you on the mission field. Q . Flagstaff, Arizona — “I’ve always been confused by Luke 12:49 which gives us the words of the Lord Jesus when He said, ‘I am come to send fire on the earth; and what w ill I, if it be already kindled.’ Can you explain this for me?” A. Perhaps this is mystifying when we ordinarily picture the Lord bring­ ing peace. This is, of course, His ulti­ mate objective in a coming day. Here, however, He is not coming to set strife as His goal but it is often, nonetheless, the result. Sometimes, because one member of a family receives Christ, it does divide a household. This is a re­ sult of the sinfulness and hard-hearted­ ness of unbelievers, however, not be­ cause of the message of redeeming grace. Q. Long Beach, Calif. — “In many Chris­ tian churches, I see the letters ‘IMRI’ on a rectangular marker over the cross. Also on some of the altar cloths the initials ‘IHS’ appear. Can you tell me what they mean?” A. The first actually has an historical background. The superscription over Christ’s cross was in Latin and Greek, “Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews.” “IMRI” is actually an abbreviation of the Latin title. “IHS” does not have the same history but comes from the Greek, meaning, “Jesus, the Son of God, the Saviour.” Q . Seattle, Washington — “We have a child that doesn’t like to go to church. He puts up a complaint every Sunday morning and throws the household into an uproar. We have decided it is bet­ ter for him not to go when he feels that way. What do you think?”

A. This question has come from many homes. We would need to know how old the child is. If he is small he ought to be turned over his father’s knee and a hairbrush applied to “the seat of his emotions.” He ought to be instructed that his parents wishes are to be fol­ lowed even in going to church. Reach­ ing his teen years, a young person will often seek to break away from his home ties1. This is sometimes the course of hu­ man nature. Unfortunately teenagers think of themselves as adults long be­ fore they are capable of acting like adults. There are, however, some very definite emotional and physical changes through which they are going. Parents need to lead by example but not by physical force or command. There should be definite rules concerning the matter while at the same time an allow­ ance for them to do some thinking on their own. A great deal of patience and forbearance needs to be given, asking the Lord for that divine wisdom which is promised in His Word. Q . San Diego, Calif. — “/ am just a teenager but I often hear ministers speak of a man by the name of ‘George Mueller.’ What did he do that was so remarkable?” A. We commend this teenager for list­ ening carefully to the minister. You need not feel any inferiority about being “just a teenager.” Ministers should take this to heart and not as­ sume that everyone understands or knows what is being said in relation to men of God down through the years. George Mueller was reared in a Godly home and his name has been represen­ tative of a life of faith. He was a Ply­ mouth Brethren by fellowship and was very close to the Word of God. His ministry was to take care of orphans in Bristol, England. Dr. Arthur T. Pierson has written up his life and the events of God’s blessing upon his min­ istry. God miraculously supplied every need in answer to earnest prayers and faith. Q . Boise, Idaho — “Since Abraham lived 30

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