The speakers provided a number of answers to the ability of air transport to adapt, Marc Rochet being the first. For the CEO of Air Caraïbes and French Bee, President of the Aerogestion consultancy, the most obvious answer is to fly the latest generation of aircraft, such as the A350, which consume 25% less fuel than Boeing 777. This strategy yields an immediate result: it makes French bee the least polluting airline in the world. Moreover, by making the A350-1000 cabin denser, the aircraft can accommodate 480 passengers (484 for the A380 in four-class configuration, at Emirates). Marc Rochet takes the microphone to interview the Ukrainian Minister of Infrastructure,
The thirteenth edition of World Connect was held in Valletta under the auspices of the Republic of Malta. Its Minister for Tourism, Clayton Bartolo, gave the opening speech at a conference rich in high-level, sometimes moving, interventions. Jean-Louis Baroux, President of World Connect, had set the tone before the great annual mee- ting of the air transport industry, organised by Air Promotion Group (APG), by saying: "The government of the Republic of Malta has expressed its wish, via the Ministry of Tourism, to host the 13th World Connect and by propo- sing to us a very high quality partnership. Valletta being a beautiful city, steeped in histo- ry, promises a magnificent gala dinner and other surprises," he added, referring to the theme of the conference, How do airlines adapt in changing world? : air transport has faced four major challenges in its history; he first was safe- ty, the second was security, the third was demo- cratising fares. Now that the Covid pandemic is over, it is more than ever faced with its fourth challenge: to regain its credentials by respec- ting the environment and adapting to a rapidly changing world.”
~C L A S S & R E L A X L I F E S T Y L E M A G A Z I N E - B U S I N E S S - 2023 ~
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