Class & Relax Lifestyle Magazine N°43

Clayton Bartolo Ministre du Tourisme de Malte E N GUISE D ’ INTRODUCTION By Jean-Emmanuel Hay

Class & Relax Lifestyle Magazine: Clayton Bartolo, as Malta's Minister for Tourism, you want to give a new impetus to luxury tourism as well as business travel, as Malta is known more as a family and party destination for young people...

Clayton Bartolo: Our aim is to make Malta competitive for the visitor in terms of travel experiences. We believe that every tourist deserves the best, highest quality experience possible: you get that quality by setting standards consistently. We are taking advan- tage of new developments, post-pandemic, to diversify the business travel offer and rethink our attractiveness in luxury tourism. The potential is there, both in terms of luxury hotels and yachting, or Michelin-starred restaurants. We are working on different aspects to offer exclusive experiences, to attract more hi-end tourism.

~C L A S S & R E L A X L I F E S T Y L E M A G A Z I N E - B U S I N E S S - 2023 ~


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