Class & Relax Lifestyle Magazine N°43

a regular basis, there is a very good discussion going on : we think we might have found a solution, not an easy one, but we are very pleased that we are receiving all the support and the help to make sure that Malta retains a national carrier.

Class & Relax Lifestyle Magazine: How many European capitals do you fly to?

David Curmi : Although we fly to 18-20 cities, we have 16 code-share agreements and we connect with major airlines in all the hubs. So Air Malta is a critical piece of our economy. The challenge we have is basically to make money from flying : fuel costs are going up, navi- gations costs, wages, airport charges too, and your margins become thinner and thinner. Unfortunately it was difficult for us to hatch on fuel because we didn’t had the liquidity available : this are desaventages that small airlines suffer.

Class & Relax Lifestyle Magazine: What are your plans in this difficult context?

David Curmi : We are trying to recreate our value pro- position, particularly in the front of the plane. Our business class is more like a premium leisure class, but we will increase it again. Malta is a leisure island and it will remain like that, but we will remain a full carrier service, we have no aspiration to become a low cost carrier : we fly to major airports only, so it is a opportunity to get more hi-end visitors.


~C L A S S & R E L A X L I F E S T Y L E M A G A Z I N E - B U S I N E S S - 2023 ~

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