Class & Relax Lifestyle Magazine N°43

Christophe Berger: Malta's main strength lies in its ter- ritory. The size of the area really allows you to optimise your time, to have quick access to the different sites. Our DMCs (Destination Management Companies) and service providers offer high level facilities, hotels offering a very good quality-price ratio compared to the European offer and outdoor activities fully meeting the criteria of logisti- cal organisation of business trips and incentives, with Malta is located 2.5 hours from the main European capitals, and english is the second offi- cial laguage : that’s another significant asset for Malta. know-how and professionalism. The favourable weather for a large part of the year is another major asset, not to mention the remarkable welcome reserved for visitors.

Class & Relax Lifestyle Magazine: What makes the diffe- rence with another destination?

Christophe Berger: There is a real added value in terms of heritage, history and culture. It is possible to rent small private palaces, or to privatise streets: the Maltese government is very open to these requests which allow for unique experiences during business trips. Other activities include sailing, scuba diving, horse riding and hiking. VisitMalta hosts many events, which can be satellite events during business trips: baroque music fes- tival, jazz festival, fireworks festival, regattas, sports tour- naments. The offer is varied and spread throughout the year.


~C L A S S & R E L A X L I F E S T Y L E M A G A Z I N E - B U S I N E S S - 2023 ~

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