KB Biola Broadcaster - 1971-01

MULTIPLY Your Ministry EXTEND Your Life and Influence through The Biola Fellowship. . . The Biola F e llo w sh ip includes all those who have a desire to invest in the work of the Lord at Biola on a regular basis. For an investment of $1.00 (or more) per month, you can be a member of The Biola F e llo w sh ip , and the Biola B ro a d ­ ca ster will be mailed automatically to you each month. Yes, I would like to be a member of The Biola F e llo w sh ip . Please send me a packet of envelopes for my regular contribution. I am enclosing $____________________ for the work of Biola as my investment this month. I wil lendeavor to give $____________ M o n th ly ___ Q u a rte rly __ Sem i-A n n u a lly __ A n n u a lly __ . __ Ra dio __ G e n e ra l E d u ca tio n E x p e n se s __ B u ild in g Fu n d __ O th e r Mr. Mrs. Miss_____________________________________ ____

In her syndicated column, “My Day,” a number of years ago, Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt wrote, “What is really important is not what relig­ ion or race we belong to, but how we live our lives, whether we deal with other people with honesty and kindness, or whether we lie and cheat, and take advantage of our neighbors. I wish that there might come a truer evaluation of the worth of human beings, and far less inter­ est in the labels of race and religion.” Such a statement is typical of the feelings of millions of people. “Any religion is good enough provided its followers are sincere,” is their entire concept. The fact of the matter is that a druggist in a pharmacy may sincerely mix together the wrong in­ gredients, which could blow himself and his laboratory into fragments, or else compound a prescription which could spell certain death to the one who takes it. His sincerity did not make the concoction right. A sales­ man, hurrying to make the right connections, may sincerely take the




Send to: Biola College 13800 Biola Avenue, La Mirada, California 90638

Linda Reed, Todd Lewis, and Larry Spry are pictured with trophies won at the Cal State L.A. Invitational Speech Tournament in November.

In Canada: Biola Association of Canada P. 0. Box 3013, Vancouver, B.C., Canada

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