KB Biola Broadcaster - 1971-01

this conflict. Meantime, misguided people continue to pour their funds into denominational churches which whole-heartedly uphold the National Council of Churches. Recently the NCC General Board also went on record as opposing the sending of more U.S. planes to Israel. During last October, the newspapers reported a massacre in Angola, a country on the Atlantic shore of Af­ rica. Over 30 persons, mostly chil­ dren, were brutally slaughtered by a group of terrorists who were deter­ mined to bring that country under complete subjection to their commu­ nist-inspired rule. The newspaper account stated that this group of fanatics received $20,000 from the World Council of Churches. Of course, the National Council is the dominant organization of the larger group, known as the World Council of Churches. A release sent by the WCC’s office declared: “It is true that the World Council’s action has some risks attached to it.” Appar­ ently this liberal leadership could not care less about the risks involved. The Executive Committee of the World Council must sit back with a warm degree of satisfaction to con­ sider this blood-thirsty mob’s gun­ ning down 30 innocent, defenseless men, women, and children. Twenty- thousand dollars of good American dollars went to the support of this and the blood of those people is upon the leadership and those who partook of the crime by their financial sup- .* 4 port. We cry out for something to be | done. A few weeks later the cries I diminish in intensity until at last I they are heard no more. We have J become weary in our protests, dis- 11 approval and the fight for the right! The United Presbyterian Church 1; I General Assembly recently endorsed I a proposal recommending the use of I marijuana be considered merely a I misdemeanor, not a felony, under the I law. This great church was once set

for the defense of the Gospel and in years gone by carried on with holy enthusiasm every cause that was right. Now it has so degenerated in its outlook and influence for righte­ ousness that it actually is encouraging our youth to indulge in a soul-and- body-destroying habit, who know full well that if the strongest charge that can be leveled against these partici­ pants in this hallucinogen is that of a misdemeanor, it will amount to nothing more than a slap on the wrist and will do nothing to deter the young pèople in this deadly course. According to the Fi-Po News, a publication put out bi-monthly by the Fire and Police Research Associa­ tion of Los Angeles, recently stated that “the Episcopal diocese (of South­ ern California) came to the defense of the demonstrators who were ar­ rested in the recent East Los An­ geles riot by offering ‘assistance of funds and asked others to do like­ wise for the release of dozens of Chicanos’ who were jailed as incit­ ers and violent participants in that riot in which lives were lost and so much property damaged.” These are but a few examples of the continu­ ing trends in religious life today. These would-be destroyers of our nation and our great denominations know full well that after the first flush of righteous anger has passed, our churches and their people soon forget and settle back into their lack­ adaisical manner of life with the atti­ tude, “I would rather not hear any more about it.” If God’s people lose the battle, it will not be because of a frontal at­ tack from without. Rather, it will be from complacency and lethargy within our own ranks. If it ever hap­ pens, we shall have no one to blame but ourselves. God help us to con­ tinue our defense and proclamation of the Gospel with all that implies! Page 7

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