equip magazine | Edition 5


Doing is Learning

Equip keynote speaker, Kevin O’Conner, host of This Old House , shares what he’s looking forward to in Louisville.

This Old House is such an established industry brand, and we are so thrilled to have you here. What do you think landscape contractors, outdoor power equipment dealers, and other industry professionals will learn from your keynote address? First, I hope they learn what profound respect I have for what they do. The people who run and make these businesses work, who show up every day, who employ and provide and get after it, those are my kind of people. I also hope they learn ways to make their businesses better, ways to get more people into these honorable professions, and learn how to mentor, grow and be more productive day in and day out. What about attending Equip Exposition excites you? Do you think you will get in some time in the Outdoor Demo Yard and what types of machines might catch your eye? I hope to get to the demo yard for sure. Ask anyone on our This Old House crew and they will tell you I never miss a chance to get into the big machines, to operate and handle all the equipment. Doing is learning, and in my case, it is also teaching; teaching our audience to try, to practice, to master. So yes, get me in the seat!

Opening Keynote Kevin O’Conner, host of This Old House Wednesday, Oct. 16 KEC Event Center 11:00 AM

18 / equip / Issue 5


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