equip magazine | Edition 5


Certification Center Debuts

Spanish Education Sessions for Landscapers at Equip Expo Filling Up Quickly Crew leadership & turf trainings offered in Spanish, valuable CEU credits available. Equip Exposition is expanding its Spanish-language education classes. Attendees can learn how to develop foremen into valuable leaders, and turfgrass management and chemical application classes will be part of the trade show’s education offerings at Equip’s new Certification Center. “A large segment of the landscaping industry speaks Spanish and it makes sense to offer classes to help these entrepreneurs develop their skills and knowledge so they can manage their businesses more efficiently and ultimately make more money,” said Kris Kiser, President & CEO of the Outdoor Power Equipment Institute (OPEI), which owns Equip Exposition. The educational session, “From Worker to Leader: Developing Your Foreman,” taught by Armando Actis, Equipment Manager for ILCA and a Judge for the Certified Landscaping Technician (CLT) final exams, will look at developing your crew chief as a valuable leader, who successfully directs, motivates, and critiques employees while working side by side with them. Managing former peers and friends can be especially challenging, and in these workshops, attendees will learn new skills and practice them through role-playing scenarios. These sessions have proven very popular with attendees and two of Actis’ sessions are already sold out.

Equip Expo debuts Certification Center to help landscapers score money-making credentials.

Equip Exposition announces a new Certification Center to be held during the award-winning, blockbuster trade show, where attendees can take courses in weed management, pesticide application, tree and plant health management, tree/shrub pruning, and pesticide safety. Through these courses, landscapers and contractors can maintain valuable certifications that will add to their service offerings and profitability. “We’re excited to debut more than twenty sessions in our new Certification Center in the West Wing. Landscapers and contractors need to maximize their time, and going home from Louisville with CEUs and credits that can help them make more money is huge,” says Kiser Kiser, President & CEO of the Outdoor Power Equipment Institute (OPEI), which owns Equip Exposition. Equip will offer turfgrass sessions in both English and Spanish. Some sessions in the Certification Center are free and others are affordable at $30 or $50.

Now Accepted CEUs for Applicators in Indiana, Texas, Kentucky, Ohio

Attendees can earn CEUs in classes taught in English and Spanish.

Regístrese hoy para las clases más nuevas de Equip Exposition impartidas en español: se están agotando rápidamente. Aprenda cómo convertirse en un mejor líder y obtenga créditos para aplicadores de fertilizantes y pesticidas. Visite www.equipexposition. com para registrarse.


Issue 5 / equip / 23


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