equip magazine | Edition 5


Experience What’s Possible

What sets Equip Exposition apart from any other event in the industry is that it is above all a social, peer-to-peer experience. Whether you’re demoing the latest equipment, meeting industry partners, or building new business relationships, it’s dynamic, engaging, and active. You aren’t sitting back in a ballroom watching or listening. You’re in it. And Equip is in it, too. The show walks the walk to support and promote all the industries that support it. Our education arm, the TurfMutt Foundation, is investing $1 million to sponsor the TurfMutt Great Lawn of Louisville, one of the city’s most prominent downtown spaces in Waterfront Park that acts as the city’s front yard. Equip, OPEI, and TurfMutt will use this new lawn as a platform for reaching new audiences and education initiatives. TurfMutt celebrates its 15 th anniversary this fall. Since launching as an educational program to promote the benefits of the managed landscape, TurfMutt has become a global education platform — reaching more than 70 million students, teachers, and families with its message that nature starts at their back door — educating future generations about the importance of the managed landscape. Equip is a global event, too, bringing attendees from all 50 states and 46 countries to Louisville, Kentucky, every fall. Louisville has been the show’s home for more than 40 years, and remains the best place for us to operate. From our office on Main Street to investments like Mulligan’s Bark Park downtown, the TurfMutt canine agility center at the Kentucky Humane Society, and now the Great Lawn, Equip Expo talks the talk

Kris Kiser welcomes Louisville’s mayor and other city representatives to Mulligan’s Bark Park, which debuted during Equip Exposition 2023, and features a building-size mural by local artist Kacy Jackson.

and walks the walk.

These are experiences you can’t get at any other show. Combine that with our 30-acre Outdoor Demo Yard, an expanded (and sold-out) trade show floor, and cutting-edge education to grow your business, and you’ll see that Equip Expo is the best place for you to experience what’s possible.

We recognize the important role that managed landscape plays in people’s health and wellness, and we champion the role our exhibitors and attendees play in making it a reality all over the world. This year’s show offers plenty of new experiences — a new Certification Center in the West Wing for pesticide and fertilizer CEUs, a Trace Adkins concert at the KFC Yum! Center, Happy Hour in Freedom Hall, and a Welcome Reception at the iconic Churchill Downs racetrack.

Kris Kiser President and CEO of Equip Exposition, the Outdoor Power Equipment Institute, and the TurfMutt Foundation

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