equip magazine | Edition 5


Finance 101: the Right Tool for the Job Time: 8:00 AM – 9:15 AM Location: C101

Track: Technology Speaker: John Oyer

We’ve seen the story before … the operator makes the move to owner- operator and now needs to make sure the company is profitable. But now more and more of the tools run on batteries and some of the mowers even mow on their own. This course will cover finance fundamentals in a rapidly changing technological environment.

Pool Design 101 for Landscape Designers Time: 9:00 AM – 10:00 AM Location: C110 Track: New Business Opportunities

What do you need to know to design a pool? Despite being a straightforward question, you won’t find the answer in typical landscape design programs, so we will start at the beginning: choosing the location of the pool. Next will be the fundamental things you need to know about how a pool is built so that you can be sure your design is buildable. We will talk about specifying a location for the pool equipment and how to hide it from view. We will cover some basic regulations you’ll need to know (no matter where you are in the country). And finally, we’ll spend plenty of time on the fun stuff: how to specify the materials in and around the pool. No experience with pool design is necessary to take this class. Learning Objectives: • Discuss the basics of pool design • Explore your options for pool layout and shape • Cover the “need to know” background information like regulations and construction techniques so that your designs will be buildable • Learn how to specify materials in and around the pool so that they are functional and beautiful

Hardscape Workshop 1: Efficiency Systems for Hardscape Teams & Field Leaders Time: 8:30 AM – 9:45 AM Location: East Hall Rooms 3 & 4 Speaker: Frank Bourque In this high impact session, you will learn production systems used by some of the best companies in the hardscape industry to create highly effective hardscape teams and field leaders. Get the latest information regarding the best industry habits and tools that can help increase your efficiency, productivity, and profits in your business. This session focuses on real case studies and how they create destination companies.


Developing IPM Programs for Success! Time: 8:00 AM – 9:15 AM Location: C104 Speaker: Brandon Haley

Award winning landscapes require an award-winning Integrated Pest Management (IPM) program. Every property is unique and should have its own plan for the year. We will cover the steps needed to develop your own custom IPM program for the properties you manage, ensuring that they remain aesthetically pleasing with the least amount of pesticides possible. Learn how to fit cultural practices into your program in a way that does not impact events or planned applications. Develop skills to see around corners and have answers to problems that have not yet happened, reducing knee-jerk reactions and over applications. And finally, create documents that can be proudly displayed showing the care that a property will receive for the year.




68 / equip / Issue 5


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