equip magazine | Edition 5


9 Equip Experiences 18 Doing is Learning 20 Going for Gold 23 Certification Center Debuts 24 Get in the Game 28 Getting Around 30

32 Test Before You Invest 38 Louisville Neighborhoods 44 This Town Knows Sports 46 10 Things for Under $10 49 3–2–1 … Let’s Install … 53 Memories Are Made at HNA 54 The More You Learn, the More You’ll Earn

56 HNA Awards 61 Contractor Education 83 Dealer Education 90 The TurfMutt Foundation Celebrates 15 Years 92 Humane Hero Award 94 Mulligan’s Mutt Madness Finds New Home 96 Mulligan’s Mutt Madness Pup-Dates

Expanded West Wing

6 / equip / Issue 5


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