equip magazine | Edition 5


Demo 5: Water & Fire Features Time: 2:30 PM – 3:30 PM Location: Hardscape House Immerse yourself in the design and installation of water and fire features with hands-on demonstrations. Work alongside instructors to install water features and fire features in MINUTES while also learning about proper installation techniques and maintenance considerations. PROVIDED BY HARDSCAPE NORTH AMERICA, SPONSORED BY EASYPRO POND PRODUCTS

Battery Transitions: Incentives, Regulations, and Innovations Time: 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM Location: C203 Speakers: Chuck Bowen, Brandon Martin Landscapers, contractors, dealers and manufacturers are living through one of the biggest energy transitions in the industry’s history. Associations, regulators, and contractors will share the latest in technology developments and how they are adapting to advances in the field. A Roadmap For Visionary Landscape Business Owners Time: 3:30 PM – 5:00 PM Location: C105 Track: New Business Opportunities Speaker: Jeffrey Scott Visionaries have great ideas, but sometimes struggle with implementation. During this talk we will explore key insights on effective leadership, innovative business strategies, and practical implementation approaches that can revolutionize your landscape business. Whether you are a seasoned entrepreneur or a budding visionary, this roadmap provides a comprehensive toolkit to propel your business forward, addressing challenges, optimizing operations and fostering growth.

Next-Level Design Details: Learn the How and Why of Pool Design and Build Time: 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM Location: C110 No matter the cost of a pool and its construction type, the attention to the installation and its fundamental components are key to the overall success, maintenance, and eventual enjoyment. This seminar will explore the key areas where pool detailing and execution come together. Learning Objectives: • Introduce the basic key details in every pool design • Explore reasons why design detailing is important no matter the pool type • Outline how those design details gets communicated and explored • Discuss how design and detail is a conversation between designer, contractor and most importantly your client

Anatomy of an Irrigation System Time: 3:00 PM – 4:00 PM Location: C102



Understanding system components is the first step in learning how to design, install or service irrigation systems. This session will introduce basic irrigation components and help you learn options, functionality, and industry terminology. It is designed for people with no irrigation experience.


78 / equip / Issue 5


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