equip magazine | Edition 5


Friday, Oct. 20

Pesticide Safety and Emergency Procedures Time: 3:30 PM – 4:30 PM

From Worker to Leader: Developing Your Foreman Time: 7:00 AM – 10:00 AM Location: West Wing W7 Track: Team Development Speaker: Armando Actis From Worker to Leader: Developing Your Foreman (Taught in Spanish) Time: 10:30 AM – 1:30 PM

Location: West Wing Room W4 Track: Certifications or CEUs, Chemical Applicator Speaker: Audrey Sellepack

This session will review the definition of a pesticide, how to determine the risks associated with pesticide use, PPE selection and maintenance, and how to read and understand a pesticide label. We will also review what to do when things go wrong, how to prepare for a pesticide emergency, and what to do in a spill or pesticide exposure event. To review CEUs available, please see this document and check your state’s status before registering: https://bit.ly/Equip-CEUs.

Additional sessions available Thursday.

How the customer perceives the foreman’s crew is fundamental to the success of a contractor’s business. In this dynamic seminar, foremen learn how to more effectively handle tight deadlines and tight margins and increase customer satisfaction. Production and maintenance landscape foremen have unique needs, as they have to wear two hats: worker and leader. Foremen have to walk the fine line in working side by side with the employee and having to direct, motivate, and critique at the same time. Managing former peers and friends can be especially difficult; dealing with problems and obstacles can take skills that can only be developed by stepping out of the work environment for a few days, learning best practices, applying them in a learning environment through role play, and then going back and applying them on the job.


Grow Your All-Star Team from Within: Recruit, Retain and Reward Time: 4:00 PM – 5:00 PM Location: C108 Track: Team Development Are you looking past your current stable of employees, hopeful that the next hire is the one who makes it all come together? Stop, and focus on the team you have. This panel discussion identifies methods to build your current roster of B- and C-teamers into an all-star team. A team that is aligned, accountable, contributing and sharing in the company’s success is within reach. The easy-to-implement tools in this panel can scale your team and build it into the winner of your market.

Controller Operation Fundamentals Time: 8:00 AM – 9:00 AM Location: C102 Track: New Business Opportunities

Learn how to operate typical irrigation controllers at this how-to session. It will provide a good primer for field staff who need to know how to do basic irrigation controller operations such as turning a zone on/off, setting date and time, or shutting down operations. This session will not discuss all the functions of the many controllers available in the marketplace, but it will cover enough to handle common operations. It is designed for those with little or no irrigation experience.




Issue 5 / equip / 79


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