equip magazine | Edition 5


How to Create Your Own Landscape University Time: 8:00 AM – 9:15 AM Location: C101 Track: Team Development Speaker: Jeff McManus, CGM This presentation targets leaders and decision makers, emphasizing productivity and employee engagement for a skilled team. It delves into crafting tailored training and leadership programs adaptable to any organization. The Landscape University ™ fosters staff understanding of their pivotal role in enhancing campus appeal. The aim is to cultivate a confident, motivated landscaping team imbued with a commitment to excellence.

Demo 6: Outdoor Kitchens & Other Enhancements Time: 9:30 AM – 10:30 AM Location: Hardscape House Roll up your sleeves and join in building outdoor kitchens and other enhancements in this interactive session. From constructing countertops to installing veneer, attendees actively participate in creating inviting outdoor spaces, guided by industry professionals every step of the way. You might even end up with a burger or hotdog if we can build fast enough.

Irrigation Scheduling Fundamentals Time: 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM Location: C102

Knowing how to schedule irrigation controllers to apply enough water to maintain a landscape without wasting water is a skill all irrigators must have. While there are many rules of thumb, there are nuggets of knowledge that allow good irrigation practices despite the wide variety of environments and situations that must be overcome. We’ll explore three components for good scheduling: soil, the irrigation system, and plant water requirements. General knowledge of plant water needs, soils, and irrigation systems is recommended; however, this session is helpful for those with no irrigation experience.



Turf Sprayer Calibration Workshop Time: 9:30 AM – 11:00 AM

Exploring Autonomous Mowers Time: 8:00 AM – 9:15 AM Location: C104 Track: Technology Speakers: Brett Ganas, Josh Ridner, Joe Kovolyan

Location: West Wing Certification Center Track: Certifications or CEUs, Chemical Applicator Speaker: Zane Raudenbush


Keying in on Key Performance Indicators Time: 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM Location: C105 Speakers: Ken Thomas, Ben Gandy

One of the latest advancements in lawn mowing technology is the introduction of autonomous mowers. How can this innovation help your operation and benefit your organization or company? Join this end-user panel discussion to hear first-hand experience on how autonomous mowers have enabled grounds professionals to be more efficient by enhancing productivity, increasing safety, and allowing hardworking crews to do more with less. Learn what works best, how to put these plans in motion, and how to measure the return on these investments in your equipment.

In this session, attendees will learn the procedures for calibrating a backpack and ride-on sprayer commonly used in the law care industry. The session will focus on how to select and calculate operating speed, nozzle flow rate, and the spray volume in gallons per 1,000 sq. ft. Lastly, spray drift is a serious concern when applying plant health care products to home lawns using backpack and ride-on spray equipment, so several strategies for minimizing spray drift will be discussed throughout the session. To review CEUs available, please see this document and check your state’s status before registering: https://bit.ly/Equip-CEUs.

Landscape businesses need certain metrics, or Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). But which ones? And when should we look at them? And who should be the person looking at them? And what do they mean? Envisor Consulting will talk about the KPIs critical to our industry, as well as the source, cadence and audience for the numbers.




80 / equip / Issue 5


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