equip magazine | Edition 5


Kentucky Humane Society honors Kris Kiser with Excellence in Philanthropy Humane Hero Award. Humane Hero Award

The Kentucky Humane Society (KHS) is honoring its longstanding partnership with The Outdoor Power Equipment Institute’s (OPEI) TurfMutt Foundation by awarding president and CEO Kris Kiser its 2024 Excellence in Philanthropy Humane Hero Award. The award will be presented to Kiser at the KHS Tuxes and Tails Gala. “We just love Kris, and he’s always looking for creative and innovative ways to help our organization and animals in need,” said Alisa Gray, president and CEO of KHS. “Our partnership started with the launch of the Mutt Madness pet adoption event at Equip Exposition (owned by OPEI) six years ago, and now it has turned into so many different things. Kris is part of our team and what we do on a regular basis.” Since its inception, Mulligan’s Mutt Madness has resulted in over 60 dogs finding their forever families with Equip Exposition attendees. One of those is Kiser’s own dog, Mulligan, whom he adopted at the 2019 Mutt Madness event. Mulligan was the second TurfMutt spokesdog whom Kris adopted. Lucky was the first. “Kris adopted a pittie mix, which is a breed that sometimes gets overlooked,” said Gray. “It’s been so rewarding to watch Mulligan grow into her role as the spokesdog of the TurfMutt Foundation. She’s a great ambassador for not only TurfMutt, but also for the pittie breed, rescue dogs in general and KHS.” In addition to being a good adoption representative, Mulligan the TurfMutt also educates the benefits of living landscapes and outdoor living through

92 / equip / Issue 5


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