equip magazine | Edition 5


Here are a few of the heartwarming pup-dates from the Mutt Madness Class of 2023: Gunner Gunner is a cute labrador retriever mix who is a real cuddle bug. Ameris, his human, was working at the Equip Exposition tradeshow and didn’t have any intention of adopting a dog at the event ... until she laid eyes on Gunner. “I saw him and fell in love,” Ameris said. “The adoption process was very easy, and I was really pleased.” Ameris lives in Tennessee and said Gunner has settled in nicely at his new home. “He has the best personality, and he is very sassy,” she reported. Ameris has two other dogs at home,and she said they all get along great. Ivar & Odin Rough collie mixes Odin and Ivar are an adorable sibling duo that was adopted by a sibling trio. Janna, Jared and Jenneka are the owners of J&J Property Pros in New York, an entrepreneurial landscaping, interior design, and pet sitting company. When Janna went to Mutt Madness in 2022, she had recently lost her beloved dog, Zac, a senior rough collie rescue. She told her siblings to be prepared, because if there was a rough collie up for adoption it was coming home with them. There were none at the 2022 event, but at the 2023 Mutt Madness there were two rough collies. When Janna met Ivar, he reminded her immediately of Zac. Staying true to their word, the siblings adopted Ivar. When they went back to pick him up just as Mutt Madness was wrapping up, Ivar’s brother Odin was still available, so they adopted him, too. “We siblings have a soft spot for siblings!” Janna said. The pups join a pack that includes cats and other dogs. Janna, Jared, and Jenneka are also good friends with another Mutt Madness adopter who took home a dog named Everest a couple of years ago. The three dogs have met, and

are becoming fast friends. “We are truly so thankful we adopted both of these boys as they are such a special addition to our family,“ Janna said. “We are forever grateful for the Mutt Madness event at Equip Expo!” Rocco Rocco is a beautiful mixed breed pup who was adopted by Scott and Heather. They said Rocco’s stunning colorings and calm personality caught their attention. “He looked like a good dog, and something about him drew us into him,” Scott said. The couple lives in Ohio and drove back home with Rocco after Equip Exposition wrapped up. “He slept most the way, and we stopped many times so he could get out.” They also took him to a store to let him pick out toys, and they grabbed training treats and a new collar for the puppy. When they arrived home, it was time to meet the rest of the pack. “He was happy because he got to meet all the rest of the family — our kids and our other animals,” Scott recalled.

“He did great; he was happy and wagging his tail the whole time.” Scott said Rocco and the family’s kitty play together a lot. “We have an awesome time and continue to have a great dog. We are glad that we got to adopt Rocco and are happy that we got to help out a good cause,” said Scott. Spud Spud is a super-chill adult dog who was adopted by a family that previously adopted Molly at the 2021 Mutt Madness event. Molly is a Mulligan look-alike who was excited to welcome Spud into the pack. “Molly and Spud get along great, and they are doing amazing,” said their human Jolene, who works at Carner Landscaping. “Spud is such a good pup!” Jolene said the two dogs love to go on car rides, particularly for trips to the pet store. “They also love running around the backyard,” she said, adding that they had a blast playing together in the snow last winter. “ They are both suckers for a good belly rub, that’s for sure,” she said. “We love them so much!”

Issue 5 / equip / 97


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