Underdog Advantage First 3 Chapters

U n d e r dog s Ac t Fa s t a n d I m p r ov e Q u i c k ly · 95

the stream, it was so clear. You see, trout are really smart, and they can see through the water. If they saw you coming, they’d swimaway. So on one hole, I snuck up to the stream on my hands and knees. And bamm I started getting hits. Then I realized that there is a real art to the amount of line you leave out. If you don’t keep the line tight, the fish hit the fly and the slack makes it possible for them to spit the hook out. But with a tighter line, you can set the hook before they spit it out. I started keeping the length controlled. Now I was starting to catch fish. And for those of you worriers, not one fishwas harmed. All returned with love. So I was sneaking up to holes and keeping proper line tightness. Then I realized that where I cast was key. The turbulent parts were no good, and the flats didn’t work—but where the turbulence hit the flat was perfect. That’s where their food was circulating. If I landed it there, every time I got a hit. I put all of these things together by the seventh hole, and I was catching fish after fish after fish. I look over and Lewis, seeing me catch all these fish, was just casting again and again, faster and faster. He didn’t give up, he kept getting back out there, but he didn’t change anything.


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