Western Australia Home Stories Spring 2024

Crafting joy: Hayley’s journey At just 9 years old, Hayley’s life changed forever when she underwent high-risk surgery to remove a brain tumour. While the operation was lifesaving, it left her with lifelong challenges, including hearing and vision loss, as well as paralysis on her left side. At 15 years of age Hayley underwent radiation treatment for the parts of the tumour that couldn’t be removed. Hayley continued her studies throughout her treatment and graduated from highschool while completing a school- based traineeship. Hayley has been stable since she was 16, and while she says her disabilities can be challenging, she does not let them affect her positive outlook. From 18 years of age, Hayley has been on the joint waitlist for housing, and nine months ago, at age 31, she secured a place of her own with Housing Choices WA. Since moving into her new home, she has found joy in the independence it offers and space for her creative hobbies. Hayley’s hobbies and passions include card making, craft, painting, photography, reading, cooking, and her personal

Above: Hayley with her craft creations.

favourite - karaoke. Every fortnight Hayley heads out to different karaoke venues with her support workers to sing her favourite pop and country songs. Hayley is also active in her local community. A few years ago, she hosted craft groups for Befriend, an organisation that fosters community connection. Now Hayley is excited to re-engage with Befriend, where she’s been asked to assist in teaching sign language. Hayley has experience with both Australian Sign Language (Auslan) and American Sign Language (ASL), finding ASL’s one-handed signing

particularly accessible due to her arm paralysis. In addition to her volunteer work, Hayley is eager to start her own microbusiness selling her craft creations. Over the years, she has invested in different machines and taught herself to make a range handmade products, the latest being personalised mugs. With Certificates I, II, and III in Business Hayley has the tools to get her business started. Now, with a space of her own for crafting, she’s excited about the possibilities ahead.


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